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Give and get support around quitting


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I'm Christy and I was born and raised in Indianapolis Indiana. I now live in a smaller town south of Indy.I appreciate the quietness of a small town these days. I would not trade it for the world!

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Michigan here 🙂

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Cincinnati Ohio Checkin in

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I'm Tara and I was born and raised in Cincinnati Ohio.  I moved to Cleveland Ohio a little over a year ago.  I smoked for about a year or two when I was in high school but quit cold turkey with no problems.  My husband (now ex) whom I was dating at the time was a smoker and never quit even though he told me he had.  For a while he hid it from me and wouldn't smoke around me at all.  When he began to smoke around me again the smell would really bother me.  For some reason, I too began to smoke again.  I found that the smell of his cigarette didn't bother me if I was also smoking.  To this day, I can't stand the smell of cigarettes unless I have one also.  I've been smoking for a few years now but I really want to quit along with my boyfriend.  We left our old lives in Cincinnati and want to start a new...smoke with each other here in Cleveland.  Best of luck to all of you who are also quitting!!!

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