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Give and get support around quitting


What's in a cigarette?

Your body gets more than nicotine when you smoke.

There are more than 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Some of them are also in wood varnish, the insect poison DDT, arsenic, nail polish remover, and rat poison.

The ashes, tar, gases, and other poisons in cigarettes harm your body over time. They damage your heart and lungs. They also make it harder for you to taste and smell things, and fight infections.
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2 Replies

ok that made me gag ... i noticed today on day 2 of my quit that i can smell gasoline when i drive past a gas station, is this new????
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yeah, you're getting your senses back! Your sense of smell is more keen, just as your sense of taste. No, it's not new, it's normal.
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