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Give and get support around quitting


What is your mantra?

We all go through tough times in the business of quit smoking.  Self talk is a valuable tool to use for the trying times. Here are some words that have helped me make it through. Amazing.

I don't do that it anymore.  Has been a life saver.  Have you ever used it?  Try it. It works.

I developed my own little song that stuck in my head.

Not in my hands, not on my tongue, not on my lips, not in my lungs, not in my nose, not in my clothes. Not in my throat.  I don't want to choke.

Share your mantra Practice makes perfect'

Have a great day.



11 Replies

NOPE, Not One Puff Ever or One step and then another...

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My help to overcome craves and that desperate urge to smoke came from these words  " smoking is not the solution , it's a reaction " Do something different !