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What is happening in the World?

It's so heartbreaking to watch the news and see what's happening in Puerto Rico! I just can't imagine what they're going through, I haven't heard how Texas or Florida are managing now or the wildfires that's been going on! They're natural disasters that's happening which is horrible but these mass shootings I just don't get WHY? What's wrong with people and driving into innocent people with vehicles ugh WHY? But no matter what is happening in this crazy World that we're living in let's be very vigilant and protect our quits with our lives and let's send all the devastation happening around the world our prayers and for whoever is in charge of helping Puerto Rico to do what needs to be done quickly please! 

14 Replies

Cruelty. Just cannot understand it. 


Not a whole lot we can do to stop the chain of events happening with Mother Nature, although I do try to do what I can daily in the way of conservation, recycling, etc. Sadly, I probably should keep my mouth shut, but it seems our government officials should have caught on long ago that there is plenty more we could be doing to keep guns out of the hands of people who have no business owning one-let alone an arsenal of assault weapons! When will we learn to place more value on human lives than on money contributed to politics by the lobbyists?


It's wonderful to see you Karen and I agree with you 100 %, my husband Mark and I try to do what we can to, we've been recycling for yrs now but there's so much more the governments can do because it's our grandchildren that really needs things to change and these assault rifles baffle the hell out of me because no one needs them whatsoever! How many more people need to suffer and die needlessly ughhhhhhhhhh I should be quiet now, huge hug for you.NewMe


Huge cyber hug back at ya! Here's to hoping one of these days we will learn to do what we can to restore peace to the world.


Thanks Karen.  

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