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What is a healthy substitute for nicotine?

I am drinking a lot of coffee but it is not helping.

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28 Replies

Coffee is a big trigger for me sad to say. Loved my morning coffee and smoke on the deck. On day 17 and coffee still gives me some trouble - but i plow on through focusing on how beautiful the sky is and instead of having several cups just have one! I have found that hot green tea doesn't have that craving effect like coffee. You might give it a whirl.


greattobeanEX  Get some bubble juice...sit out on the deck, drink your coffee, admire the sky, and blow them float away.  My respiratory therapist recommended that and it really does keep me occupied.  I also changed the deck around, moved the chair, added plants, made it a healthy spot, not a smoking spot.  Change your focus...


Love bubbles! Need to get another big bottle. Since it's October, our humming birds have left for their trip South. We loved watching them all summer too. I am now able to enjoy my smoke free deck without feeling like I need to smoke - just because I always had. Just visit with the Lord a little longer now.   He sure is a wonderful artist! I highly recommend his work!


Wow, I already have bubbles, I blow them when Ryan (my 16month old grandson) takes a bath!  Sometimes I'm blowing bubbles and I realize he's not even watching me. Do I stop...... No I'm into it, I'm having fun!

This is a great idea, thanks


autumnpepper‌ , the great thing about having a grandchild is that you get to be a kid all over again, spoil them rotten, then send them back home to your child.  That bond is like no other and cannot be compared or defined.  You have to be a grandparent to truly know that feeling of love you have for your child's child.  You look at him/her, and you see your own child, when they were little.  Way to go, now, I have tears running down my checks.

Irish Rose 


I took your advice on this and I love it! So peaceful and now I can use my deck more without thinking about how I used to smoke out there. Easy, cheap, and healthy! Or at least it's not unhealthy


YES, i AGREE WITH IrishRose...get outside and exercise those lungs! Ginger tea is also a favorite. Cold or hot. And you can get it decaf or better yet, go steep some ginger root!


There is no substitute for nicotine.  I found that frequent tiny cups of expresso through my day gave me a little "kick" that I missed so much early on in my quit.


I would say like many here, there is no substitute which will give you the same high. All the other suggestions in how to occupy your hands are great, use whatever works best for you.

Don't do like me: I used lots of chocolate candies (raisin covered), and now I have to work really hard at losing the additional weight gain. Sugar helps, yes, but take it from a fruit rather than refined.


Boy, the deck think appears to be a common problem.  I couldn't sit on my deck for about 2 months after I quit.  I also used sour candy and chewing the straws like there was no tomorrow.   I kept them with at all times for the first few weeks.  Of course, Ellen's bubbles also helped.