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What do you think of Obama's Smoking Habit?

We've all been at the end of the barrel--exasperated whispers, excessive coughing, rolling eyes. When people see you smoking, they feel like they have the right to judge you; even though they haven't walked your path and have no idea what the emotional, mental or physical reasons are for your addiction. They determine that you are weak-willed, ignorant or low-class. "How could an educated person smoke," they seem to say.
Curiously, Obama didn't get too much flak for smoking. You know what I heard? I heard people say something like this: "Hell, if smoking a cigarette will keep him from putting his finger on the red button and starting a nuclear war, I say--let the man SMOKE!"

So, how did you feel when you found out that Obama was a smoker? Did you feel in the least bit justified? Whatever your political affiliation, most agree that Obama is a thinker--an intellectual. Yet, he also fell victim to smoking. I'm interested to know your thoughts.
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2 Replies

HA! Boy, I know what you mean! I was born and raised in Utah and my whole family is Mormon!! I went into rehab for drugs when I was 17 and I've been clean and sober since 1976. Then I quit smoking in 2004. I'm still being judged! My late mother said to me one time, "now that you're off drugs, why don't you get back into the church and be like the rest of the family." Then a few months ago, I got an e-mail from my sister and she wrote "I know that you feel left out of the things that our family does. You have struggled with certain disabilities in this life which have prevented you from seeing things clearly. But it will not always be that way. I truly believe that." So yeah, I'm still being judged.

As far as Obama smoking, I would imagine that it's difficult for him since he's in the spotlight more than anyone else in the country. But I also greatly admire him and I believe he can quit smoking, just as much as any of us can.
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wow, edith. you have been through a lot and are a real encouragement to me. i think people are naturally inclined to judge smokers--even if they have bad habits like, oh, i don't know, GLUTTONY, AVARICE, GREED. it's easy to point at smokers because it's external: you see us, you smell us--it's okay to judge us. it's not a defense of smoking, but for many people guilt is a trigger to smoke. so, the more we are looked down upon, the guiltier we feel and the more we want to smoke. (i feel like a hamster on one of those treadmill thingys.).

maybe it will never change. maybe it's a covert operation to keep us in bondage. the cigarette companies-MEH!
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