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Give and get support around quitting


What are your Struggles?

Feel free to post what some of the struggles you are going through.  We are here to help and be of support!

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6 Replies

    I haven't picked a quit date yet, but I'm concerned about how many times I've tried and failed. I'm gonna be using the patch and the inhaler. My Dad says I should just be able to do it on my own. My roomate smokes but is supportive of me trying to quit. He said he'll start smoking outside.

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Hi There,

It is so hard to quit, beleive me I know!  I have tried to quit several times and failed so you are not alone!  WE can do this together!  It is especially hard when you have someone living with you who is still smoking, but it is a good thing, your roommate said he would smoke outside.  Good for him!  Why don't you see, if he will quit with you?  Both of you will save alot of money that is for sure!

Don't be discouraged about the many times you have tried and failed, just get back up on your feet and keep on going.  Look at it as a Marathon Runner, when they fall, because they are totally exhausted, and feel they just can't go no more, some how, they find the the will to stand up and keep on going!  Look at this as a race we are running!



Thanks. Tomorrow is quit day. Got patches, inhalers, water, and sugar-free candy lined up waiting to go. My roomate is not going to quit, at least not now. He is supportive of my plans though. I'm actually looking forward to giving this a shot. I know I'm going to feel just sooo much better...physically and about myself.

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QUIT DAY!!! Wish me luck. I agree with something I read on the site somewhere... I should look at this as a challenging, interesting, learning, growth opportunity. Yes, I'm nervous about quitting but if not today, when?

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hi all

not sure how all this works... i am concerned that i will fail AGAIN, and about gaining wait. it is stupid, i know; but my sister quit and gained 40 pounds and now she s prediabetic, can't get around as swifty as she once did. this would ruin my active lifestyle.

crap! help!


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Hello Everyone, I was not successful in quitting, it didn't last long for me. My new Quit date is August 18, 2014. I am very nervous about quitting, and being successful at it. I have Quit several times, the longest was 3 years and that was in 1997. I know I need to quit for my health, I would breath much better. I do have Asthma, and it is just getting worse. I need your support! Heather
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