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Give and get support around quitting


What are some of things people do to get thru a craving?

Anyone have suggestions to get thru cravings??

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31 Replies

To get through cravings I change my thoughts and say I'm a nonsmoker and I'm getting better each time I get a craving. Sing really loudly. Dance or jump up and down 10 times.


Also drinking cold water from a water bottle with a squeeze top helped me and drinking through a straw. Yes I drank my morning coffee with a straw.


I had a frozen Hershey Kiss with my morning cuppa' Joe.  Loved the taste combo, got a sugar rush and a bit of dopamine from the chocolate and caffeine from the coffee.   What's not to like about THAT?


Ditto !  At times I drink out of a coffee stir, straw.  Helps me @ times.

15 days  in for me some days better than others.  I am happy with that

Kudos to you  Kkplayhouse

Hugs Kim


10 jumping jacks or squats and lots of water. And deep breaths. You can do it.

0 Kudos

I am 3 weeks in.    I am talking chantix and have the patch.  I feel like I am cheating by having the patch but it has helped get me thru. But I still have cravings but I dont want to smoke. I just want that feeling I used to get from smoking lol  staying steong!!!!


"I just want the feeling I used to get from smoking."  Um, may I suggest that you give some thought to that "feeling" you got from a cigarette as opposed to the unpleasant "feeling" you got from smoking.  The coughing, the phlegm, the lack of being able to do what you normally have done without huffing and puffing.  Or maybe none of that is true for you.  In either case, why are you here?  Were there enough unpleasant feelings that motivated you to quit?  Or are you quitting for - what reason exactly?  Your health insurance demands it for a lower cost or...?

I can tell you this, point blank truth - you will not get the feeling you had smoking when you quit.  Because - part of that "feeling" was simply the "high" from getting your next nicotine fix.  Your nicotine receptors were screaming and you gave them what they demanded by that next cigarette you put in your mouth and inhaled.   And you had this great feeling of ease.  You will get many other feelings, and you will find ways to deal with that "feeling you miss," but accept the fact that when you quit - you won't get that feeling you used to get from smoking.  

But even given all of the above - I think what you feel you're missing is the "enjoyment" of everything in your life that you experienced with a cigarette in your hand.  The talk with a friend, the phone call while you smoked, the drink at the bar, the moment you could get away from whatever stressful thought or emotional confrontation was happening, the enjoyment of a happy moment or the peace to go off alone and just think.  

May I comfort you in saying - all those enjoyments, all those relief moments will occur,  CAN occur without a cigarette in your hand.  They will not be lessened in any way.  Your "feelings" will be as rich.  

But you won't know that until you get past the point of no return.  So fly on.

And PS  - you're not cheating by using a patch.  Quitting tools are there for a reason.  We take what works and leave what doesn't.  


I know what you mean because I quit reall quick with chantix but was soon

drawn back into smoking. It is the taste I'm craving and that is so hard

even though after I quit and started back they were real strong but that

didn't stop me I couldn't use the patch cause I would take it off. Even

though I'm suppose to have a lung transplant I asked my daughter to light

one up this morning so I could get a puff after 2 weeks the taste felt so

relaxing but I only took one puff

On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 4:38 PM sweetplt <>

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Good for you for quitting!! One thing that helps me when I feel the desire or worse, a craving is to say (out loud when I can), "OK, I acknowledge I am having a craving and I have the freedom to go and get a pack of cigarettes if I want to. But I also have the freedom not to. If I do, then I'll probably start smoking again. If I don't then I'm one step closer to the goals I've set. In either case, the choice is mine not the addictions. I"ll call the shots! WHEW!". I'm only on my third day of quitting so I've had to say this a lot but it works for me and maybe you can add it to your arsenal of things to deal with cravings. Like Rosie the Riveter said, "WE CAN DO IT!" 


Amen. Quitting an addiction comes with challenges. Cravings can be handled and become less and less impactful. I woke this morning to a craving recognized what it really was and chanted and breathed through it. I'm in a fight for my life!!!