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What Is The One Big Reason Why You Quit?

What was the final straw? The person/place/thing that made you say "I am done with this habit and I am not going back."
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12 Replies

I am no longer a SLAVE to cig's and my grandchildren love my smoke free home my hubby and I both qute same day.

I have been quit for 3 Months, 1 Week, 1 Day, 23 hours, 7 minutes and 48 seconds (100 days).

I have saved $807.70 by not smoking 4,038 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/24/2009 12:00 PM
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It's a freeing feeling isn't it? To know that you no longer will allow smoking to hold the reigns to your life? This is your life. This is our life. Encouragement from those you love always helps I know. It makes you realize that cigarettes are meaningless compared to the love of your friends and family. 🙂
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I found out that my daughter was coming up from California to visit and I was going to meet my first grandchild for the first time. My main motivation was I didn't want to be "the stinky grandmother who smokes."
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Ha I know how that is. I always can see the looks on peoples' faces of those who don't smoke, when I come around. I can tell that they know I'm a smoker and they don't like it! And I too don't want to be that type of person!
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My main reason for quiting was Health problems and for my grandchildren when they would come in the house they would notice the smoke and when they went home had to change clothes because of the smoke smell I never smoked when they were here but we smoked in the house all the time when no one was visiting. SMOKE FREE AND LOVING IT.
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Those are very good reasons! I know what you mean though. People would notice I was a smoker right off the bat!
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For me, it was finding out that I could quit.
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Yes everyone can quit. It's all a matter of will power dedication and motivation. Anything in this world is achievable. 🙂
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My motivation was that I just was tired.
Tired of wasting time sitting in the parking lot smoking at work.
Tired of spending money to watch it burn up.
Tired of being the only one in my group of friends still smoking.
Tired of buying smokes knowing that a big chunk of the price was taxes. I'm tired of taxes.
Tired of always carrying a purse because I had to have someplace to keep the cigarettes and lighter.
Tired of checking to see if a hotel has smoking rooms.
Tired of trying to find a place to smoke whenever I went someplace.
My motivation was I didn't want to be tired all the time.
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