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Give and get support around quitting


What I have noticed

Week 3 when I was struggling, I think that was mainly PMS.
But being that I just quit smoking, I blamed it on withdrawels.
Well I am feeling the same way I was feeling at week 3.
Super grumpy and just about to have a mental breakdown.
But this time is different. I know it is not withdrawels. I could care less if I ever smoke again.

Buttttt another thing I have noticed.
I have gone from 130lbs size 5-6 to 148 size 10.
I fell bloated and frumpy.
So now I am on a healthy eatting mission.
When I last quit (my 4 year quit) I had gotten to 180's.
I don't want to get back there.

Grumpy and fat!
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4 Replies

You may be substituting food for cigarettes - - I've noticed that the urge to smoke and hunger can get really mixed up in my brain. I've just lost 21 pounds on a 4-meal a day diet that confuses your metabolism. I found it online but don't have a web address. I'm sure if you google 4-meal and metabolism you can find it. I was never hungry and actually enjoy the odd food combinations. You get to pick all the foods you like from a long list and they give you an eating plan. I'm going to stay on it for the long term so I won't gain as I quit.
Good luck on becoming a skinny EX! I'd love to hear from you if you do this.
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I am gonna go looking for that link now.
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Try looking for "Idiot Proof Diet" - I just went looking and saw that phrase - it might help.
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