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Give and get support around quitting


Well its been one week, well work week technically, and so far, so good. Its amazing because Im doing this at a very stressful time in my life, I recently lost my job (on some major league b.s.), so instead of sitting at home feeling sorry for myself I decided to quit smoking, and wow, I feel great already. The upsides are already showing.

The one downside Ive noticed is I feel like I'm avoiding everyone/thing. It seems everyone wants to party this week, and everyone knows where there's partying theres smoking. So lately I've only gone out to shop for food (im eating a ton, healthy of course), and to go to the gym(which makes me feel great), the rest of the day Im either watching hockey or playing XBox (keeps the hands busy!)

Its so amazing how changing just one small aspect for your life can effect you in such great ways. Im waking up now not wheezing, my food tastes better (which is big b/c I'm a cook), and when I take my dog out now I acutually run! So its been one week smoke free, hopefully one of many more to come! Can't wait to start feeling sexy again! lol
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4 Replies

WOW Patrick! Talk about a stressful time in your life to quit. But you're doing great. I'm happy for you. And it sounds like you're feeling great too. That's the best part. Finding other ways to keep busy is key. Instead of rewarding myself with a cigarette, I need to find other ways to reward myself. I figure cleaning is a good start (I love a clean house). Also taking the dogs for a walk has always been relaxing and rewarding.
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! week for me too. Hang in there
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aloha patrick, great job the first week is so hard, sounds like you will get this done. stay busy and positive. not smoking can only bring clarity to your life. great job
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Thanks for the tips on substitutions to stop smoking. I am also out of work and going through a very stressful time and situations.
Some say that it's not the "right time" to stop, when stressed.
I say, it only makes me feel worse about myself.
I'm dreading the withdrawal syptoms. I take medication for anxiety attacks that don't even work sometimes.
When I'm not worrying...I don't even think of smoking.
Does that tell me something?
Does everyone endorse the Patch as a help? Paula
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