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Give and get support around quitting


Want to quit

Ok, I was part of this group back 2017.  Then I fell off the wagon and here I am again.  This time I really want to quit.  I'm scared because I don't know if I can do it.  I have end stage COPD and if I can quit, maybe I can breathe a little better.  In the last month I have cut my intake from 2 1/3 packs a day down to 16 cig.  When I try to go below that, I hit a brick wall,.  My doctor gave me Wellbutrin so I started that yesterday.  I have tried the patch but it makes me so itchy.  How am I going to do this?  My quit date right now is Aug 21st.  But I am terrified.  Thank you!

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@JakeTrev You will be able to do this. A lot of people quit cold turkey. I used Nicotine Gum. I only needed it for about 3 weeks and then I got off of it. There are lozenges and inhalers also that might help you quit. 

Use the time between now and the 21st to prepare for your quit. Decide what you will use to bust a crave. Some here have used: pretzels, hard candy, gum, sour patch kids, twizzlers, frozen grapes/blueberries, carrots, celery, and whole lemons to name a few. Stock up on what you will use. You will need a lot of cold water to sip. Some people chew/suck on straws cut to cigarrete length.

We recommend that you read Allen Carr's book, "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking." You can find it online or at a library. Stay close to this site. Read the journals/blogs area. Post when you need support or just want to check in and we will be here for you. Wishing you success.🌞🚭


Welcome back @JakeTrev please take the time to read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT with commitment and perseverance you will perservere through whatever comes your way. @Snowdoggie has given you some great tips to help you, I also chomped on carrots and celery sticks which helped me through some pretty horrid cravings plus I drank alot of water and still do and kepta bag of sugar free mints around in case of of any unforseen cravings stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can you've got this upcoming quit believe it AND when your day ONE arrives keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and at the end of the day you'll be able to say YAY for WON! 


Both of you have inspired me to keep on going.  I need to do this.  I run out of breath just walking across the room.  I thank you so much for your advice.  Thank you!


Welcome back to Ex, Jake. Keep working on your action plan for quitting--and please try to take this simple truth to heart--preparing to quit and quitting happen one day at a time and only one day at a time.

Stay focused on what you are willing to do to quit, try to minimize your fears. You've already accomplished cutting down from 50 cigarettes to 16. You did that. You accomplished that and you can do more now that you've seen that you can effect change when you put yourself to it. Quitting is a very personal journey, yet at Ex, you will have a whole community that gets exactly how you feel about letting go. As impossible as it may seem to you, it is not impossible. Everyone who has quit is no better than you, no more capable, no more special or able to have the ability to quit. Use these three weeks to solidify your plan, concentrate on constructive actions and rewards (don't forget rewards!!!), and minimize the self doubt. 

Yes you can, one day at a time.



Thank you.  I didn't even think about how far I have come.  I did cut back dramatically.  So, you are right -- one day at a time.  Thank you so much for your advice