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Give and get support around quitting


Turkeyed it, 13 days hours smoke free, and counting

I must have smoked for the majority of my adult life, a good 10 years at least, nearly a pack a day.

As the smoke clears and my eye adjust from the stinging of the gray haze, i put out the damn thing in a water bottle.  Along with all my lighters and all the make-shift ash trays around the house, I threw everything into the garbage can and took a deep sigh......this is it.


That was last last thursday,  July 22nd just before 1 am.  I am still smoke free right now.


I have tried an' failed more than once.  Somehow this time it seems alot easier.  I want to share my experience with this encounter and perhaps someone somewhere out might benefit also.


I have a brand new box of Chantix on the counter and 3 months supply of NicoDerm CQ patches in the bathroom cabinet.  Didn't even touch them this time, just decided on the spot to quit cold turkey.


My secret:  I kept 1, yes, 1 Cigarette in a business card holder that i hid in the garage.  I think psychologically, as least for me, i my craving becomes very minimum or managable when i know i have a cig tucked away and i can get to it anytime.  The previous times I've tried, i always throw out all my cigarettes and i can never make it more than a day or two.  

Now the important part:  I don't intend to smoke that cig hidden away, ever!  (please don't get into the whole debate about absolution or causal relationships.  this is what works for me, it makes my process unbelievably easier and I am benefiting from this arrangement between me myself and I.    

Please understand I'm sharing with you my process in which i have found to be successful through failures and psychological warfare with my own mind.  If you were to take this a step further, it would be finding out your own weakness and how your own mind plays the bargaining game, and how to negotiate and win.  

13 days now, my body feels a whole lot better.  My will is getting stronger.  And my craving have pretty much all disappeared.  Yet still, I will be reminding myself not to fall for it again, one day at a time.

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6 Replies

13 days??? You know it takes about 2 weeks for the withdrawals to disappear, so yeah, you have gotten over that part.  That's so awesome!  Seems that now its time to concentrate on living your life...without smokes....novel idea aint it?

(I have some left too.  Not going to smoke them, but it's easier in some way to have them)

Going into your head and darkest fears to get through is damn scary but the light is there somewhere.  Most of this is a mental battle, that's why we have to be strong.  But hell, it's great that we do that to...because...well...we all have to at some point.  It's a sign a maturity and all of that 🙂

Keep going, going, going!

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i am doing the same thing only i am keeping a half pack in my pocket  with a note in the plastic wrap it from multiple friends and family, reminding and reinforcing that they care about me and not to do it. guilt can also be a powerful motivator at least in the beginning seems easier not letting go of the physical relationship just yet...good on you keep it up...

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I think is the finality of getting rid of the smokes and what that means.  Which, to me, is determental.  So, supplies are going to stay on the lil table in the dining room.  I know that I should get rid of them, but this is hard enough and why make it harder?  I'll get rid of them sometime.

What day are you at Ryan?

Keeping those cigs there and a whole host of changing behavior has gotten me to:

Heather - Free and Healing for Ten Days and 20 Hours, while extending my life expectancy 7 Hours, by avoiding the use of 433 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $21.67.

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Excuse me while I give the gremlins their beat down.  I have the total visualization hahaha!  Whack a Mole, hardstyle!

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haha, well it's either 16 or 17th day now.  I don't have craving anymore.  


Life is good.  I still have that one cig put away in a garage at very obscure place.  Since my process is working fine, i think i'll just leave the cig there and go on with my life.  


good luck to you guys, what's your quit count now?

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Into day 12.  Not doing too bad.  Just tired as hell.

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