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Trying to quit with a spouse who won't!!

Quittig is definitely not easy. I have tried qutting before with succeeding only once and stayed quit for 4-5 months but it was easier then because my husband quit with me. This time around my husband won't quit with me or really support me. I have to quit due to breathing issues and the fact that my lungs are absorbing oxygen on the low end. My pulmonologist said I must quit and to stay away from second hand smoke which he told me in front of my husband. My husband said he would smoke outside and he hasn't. I don't buy my brand of cigerettes because I don't want to encourage myself to continue smoking a pack a day but I am still smoking my husbands cigerettes I guess because it is easier than quitting. I failed to quit on my last quit day February 9th so I am trying again with my new quit date March 29th. Any help is appreciated on how to make this a little easier to stick with quitting is appreciated. Thank you!!

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5 Replies

Good morning , know that you are so strong for trying again with no support from your husband , ask you husband to smoke outside and be serious about it , keep your house clean and fresh as much as you can , that's will help a lot ! Love your self more and more , love your body and stay strong because you deserve to live a healthy life you deserve to be happy and not suffering from anything ! Show the world how you tack care of your self and be proud of it ! Join to March 2014 group ,I'll be there for you and I will need your support too :")Tack care ❤️
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Thank you for your kind words and support. I will beat this addiction and it wont be the last thing I do, I promise. I have a sleep study coming up on March 17th and an appointment with an ear, nose and throat Dr. March 24. Heres hoping for good news!! Take care 

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Hey Jamie! I'm so glad you have set a new quit date, and I'm believing with you that this one will YOUR quit!

My quit date is set for March 23rd, and I too have breathing problems and a spouse that will not be quitting with me. Neither of us have smoked in the house for years, but let's face it.....I'll still be hitting the smoke smell and cigarettes when I go into the garage to get  in my car, and the smell that will be on him will be VERY prominent. BUT, don't loose heart my dear.

I've given this a lot of thought and to be quite frank about it, you are better off going this one alone! Yes we all need encouragement and help along this road to beat that nasty nicodemon, but nobody can fight this battle for us....YOU made the decision to start smoking and only YOU can make the decision to quit! As much as we love our spouses and are connected to them, this is an individual deal. Our spouses cannot control our cravings, and they certainly can't give us self control or change our thought patterns.

I think you should most certainly make him smoke outside! And who knows...maybe once they see us be successful they will find their way to make their decision to quit too.

I'm pulling for ya! 

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Hi Meme, I have to make this work. There shall be many experiences and emotions we can share. I am sorry your spouse won't be quitting with you but on another note I am glad I am not the only to be in this situation. I have cut back already to 5-6 smokes a day. 

Stay strong and we can do this!! It is so great to find support on this site and the support I have on the outside. Here's to hoping our spouses quit when they see we have 🙂

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Down to 5 -6, you've already hit some milestones, and I'm sure you're like me in the fact that we could never get that far down without cutting out a lot of those "trigger rettes"! Keep working it girl!  

On some levels living with a smoker my be a little tougher of a quit, but just think of how strong we'll be once we prevail!!! 

Keep in touch....we can do this. My quit date is now March 28th....I'm planning my work, and working my plan 🙂

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