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Trying to quit but overwhelmed with worry

I really need to quit and want to and not just for myself and my health but also my wife and son but I’m also the kind of person who tends to worry a lot and always go strait to the worst case scenario what can I do to help me with successfully quitting for good this time

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14 Replies

@hurleys1977Welcome to the Ex. and congrats on your decision to quit. Sorry for being so late seeing this.  It takes work and commitment, but you can to it.  The worst case scenario may be not quitting.  It's great that you want to quit for your family, but make yourself the number one priority and they'll benefit too.

I'm glad you found us.  Having the support of fellow quitters has made the difference for many of us.  If you haven't been doing so already, read lots of material on the side to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  Armed with knowledge and preparation quitting is possible.   This link is  a great place to start.

And consider taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track one day at a time and to support other quitters. 

We're here to support  you on this journey.  Reach out anytime we can help or you want to share your experience.  

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 17th. Stay busy and stay close.



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Thanks for reaching out and I realize taking care of myself should be first priority I have lost 13 lbs over the last 6 months because of not eating and smoking almost 3 packs a day. I was doing was drinking coffee, I went to see my doctor because of the weight loss and he ran some labs and some of my levels are downtrending slowly which has me concerned and makes fighting the cravings that much harder

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@hurleys1977 Understand that.  Health concerns can be scary and can consume our thoughts. 

What is your doctor saying?  

Take care and keep me updated.


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He is not to concerned about anything at this point wants to recheck levels in a few months. I think it’s mostly from my heavy smoking and not eating but any time something is off my brain automatically goes to the worse case scenario 

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@hurleys1977  As hard as it can be, it sounds like giving quitting a try to improve the scenario is worth it.  Prepare for the 17th.  Knowledge and preparation equals confidence.


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Did well yesterday was proud of myself for going all day without a cigarette I messed up today because of overwhelming feelings of worry and smoked tomorrow is a new day and I just need to figure out how to handle these overwhelming feelings I get

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@hurleys1977 Is your quit date still the 17th?   If so, this is still preparation time.  You're testing the water which is great so don't beat yourself up.

Have been reading the material on the site to work on identifying your triggers, the tools you'll use, etc.


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My one main trigger seems to be the overwhelming feeling of worry that I get through out the day about everything that’s going on with the weight loss and blood work see the dr Friday hopefully I can get more clarification as to what’s going on and what needs to happen next to set my mind at ease a little

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@hurleys1977 Please, first things first.    You can wait another day until you meet with your doctor.  How you're feeling right now is human, so be kind to yourself.   You deserve to have peace of mind.

Update tomorrow please.


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