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Trying not to binge

Oh my gravy do I really want to binge heavily on food today.

Consumption since AM: English muffin, broccoli soup, carrots, more carrots, half of a raw zucchini, piece of cheese, now making kale chips and baked onions

Really want the Loaf of bread on the counter and KFC

I don't want a cigarette. Not craving one. Am trying to find the resolve that I have for quitting that to move over into other areas of my life.


74 Replies

Now Someone's Going To Be Starting A BMB Club.


Binge away, say I, on carrots, zucchini, kale, (don't forget cukes), lettuce, if it's a raw vegetable - STICK IT IN YOUR MOUTH AT WILL!   I've actually been CRAVING food every since my colonoscopy a week ago.  I wonder why????  It's like they denied me EVERY FOOD AND DRINK I LOVE.  No raw vegetable at all (which I eat all day long), no red drinks, which are all the ones I like (lemon-lime, orange???? NOOOO!)  I always thought green tea was an appetite suppressant - been drinking it up the wazzooo - HASN'T HELPED AT ALL!!!  I guess I'm just starving to death.  And I want your recipe for kale chips.  KALE CHIPS???? how an they bad for you???  


They are really quite easy.........................except for getting the kale "very" dry after washing.

I'll still take chocolate anything - any day!!!


I'm gonna have to try that.!  Thanks.

I'm going to stick with the "Dale" Chips.



52 DOF  for me,  still wear a size 4 jeans but not for long I have already gained 10 pounds and at 10 PM last night I was eating ice cream with chocolate syrup. 


Don't diet early in your quit.  A few pounds won't kill you; smoking WILL!

You will have extra time and money to join a gym when your quit is well in hand.

What flavor ice cream was that??????


 My son gave me a peptalk tonight and said not to worry about the weight either.  So I bought a big box of malted milk balls and 4 tootsie roll pops.  Also ordered some of those hot cinnamon toothpicks one of the guys on this site said helps him. 

 Hey I am protecting my quit date.

 I went to my Youngest granddaughter’s baptism today and nobody there was a smoker, I was so proud to not be stinking like an ashtray.

And last week a friend who is a smoker told me I smelled good when I gave him a hug. It makes me happy to think that people can actually smell the essential oils I wear.


I have never heard of “Dale Chops”!

But, I have seen Chip and Dale!

And of course there are the Chippendale’s

And chippendale furniture