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Give and get support around quitting


Trying not to binge

Oh my gravy do I really want to binge heavily on food today.

Consumption since AM: English muffin, broccoli soup, carrots, more carrots, half of a raw zucchini, piece of cheese, now making kale chips and baked onions

Really want the Loaf of bread on the counter and KFC

I don't want a cigarette. Not craving one. Am trying to find the resolve that I have for quitting that to move over into other areas of my life.


74 Replies

I had KFC 3 meals a day for 17 days straight.  Couldn't eat it for a long time after that but now I can. 

Explanation: the group I was in had been given 5000 coupons for 3 piece meals. It was costing us $80,000 a month on the road in the 60's,  so the road manager decided to use them to save money. We'd order 150 3 piece meals and put what we didn't eat on the back seat of the bus and when you got hungry... We also got 500 coupons for banana splits at baskin robbins too but they always ran out of bananas before they made 40 of them. 


Nope, NOT going to ask....nada, no way , nope, never, ...................................................why? 




Wow!!! Great job on the choice of foods. I would of eaten that bread with peanut butter and jam. I guess this explains the weight gain.  Anyway......You're doing great! 


ingenuenlove  Yeah, I would have STARTED with the bread, not a fan of KFC and HATE kale no matter how it is prepared.  Your choices were impressively good!  It's not the time to worry about food...quitting is enough for now and the pounds really will drop off as you increase activity.  If you keep up those snack won't have any pounds to drop!



I've been slowly eating my way through the easter basket of the kid i'm watching. I want to kill his mom for leaving it out in the open lol. 


Binge all you want on carrots, baked onions and kale. Those things are good for you. Just stay away from things that aren't like KFC and cigarettes! 

One thing at a time. I say binge away as long as you don’t smoke. A few nights ago I made kale chips for the first time. I was not a fan. The only way I eat kale is in my smoothies. You can’t taste it at all.


I kale and other greens in my smoothies too !