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Trouble sleeping.

Last night was the worst!!! I put in day 3 and had no problems at all...going great and not too hard. BUT last night my mind just would not shut down and let me fall asleep.
I was tired and went to bed at 11:30. I was doing the twitch/jerk/falling thing for awhile, then nothing but a thousand thoughts at once racing thru my head. Finally at around 4am I got up for a snack and that seemed to help a little bit. I dozed until around 6:30 and woke up wide awake with no chance of falling back asleep.
Anyone else have a similar sleep problem when starting out? I'm using the lozenges and don't think that that is the problem. I am still drinking lots of coffee, but no more than usual and not late into the evenings.

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7 Replies

O yes it does get better though at 1st I had trouble sleeping then all I wanted to do was sleep now I sleep fairly normal and far better than I did when I smoked.I feel more rested when I wake up now too.Hope this helps a little .Stay strong and positive!
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Hi Mitch, I had 1am and 3am and it did drive me crazy because I was craving all the time. Just what you want, a longer day..OMG...and then tired the next day. All I can offer is maybe a glass of milk and a hot bath before bed. Read a book? Hypnosis tape? no caffeine after 6pm?
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Hey Mitch...

You are experiencing something fairly normal with those making the great decision to stop the madness called smoking.

Karen gave you accurate advice about caffeine and being smoke free. You sure do not need as much coffee as you might have when smoking...... and your body goes into changes almost automatically when it is not voluntarily being assaulted with poisons from smoking ... so the good news is you are healing ....even if you are not sleeping so good right now.

are you doing any reading at night.... that always seemed to make my eyes tired and made me sleepier ..

this like many other things will pass with time ..... some like to blog or write out their feelings during the journey .... I enjoy writing "Dear John" type letters to my ol demons called cigarettes.... I usually did mini type versions in my daily pledge not to smoke... I would let them know they are no longer part of my life and when you say it and write it seems to also be easier to fight it I also would like to invite you to pledge daily with us since you are not sleeping and even when that gets back to normal I think you really might enjoy the cool pledgers we have in there daily !

I always found exercising tired me out ... so maybe take the turtle for a walk and tire yourself out and sleep better....... grin
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Yes, sleep is definitely a problem in the beginning. Our bodies are ridding themselves of poisonous toxins, so it is natural to be all out of whack...Hang in there -- it will get better! Don't let it get you down, instead just do your best to go with the flow! We're all here to help you if ya need it!!
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Good News....I think that you all were right.

No caffeine last night after 5:00 and I slept like a baby. Thanks so much for the support and encouragement everyone.
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I switched to the Maxwell House Lite with 1/2 the caffeine last shopping trip, not because I can't sleep but because I'm drinking more coffee than usual. In the beginning of my quit I could fall asleep just fine but I'd wake up so many times in the night it felt like I wasn't sleeping at all! Fortunately, it does pass. Someone up there said you don't go back to sleeping like you used to and I totally agree! Lots of things in my life are changing since I quit smoking. I just try to go with the flow and see what happens. I think of it as an adventure, to me it really is, I've never been a non smoking adult! It'll pass, this sleeping problem, don't worry!
Prosper in peace
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I haven't had trouble sleeping at all. But last night I had a dream someone was smoking and wouldn't give me one so they walked away and I ran out into the street and bummed one off of a stranger.
Today I say I am over it and it really doesn't bother me that much. But it must still be on my mind pretty good to be dreaming of getting my hands on one.
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