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Trouble Sleeping?

Anyone have trouble sleeping at first?

I'm usually a really good sleeper, but since I've quit (I'm on Day 3) I haven't slept through the night.  I've got a cold to top it off, so I'm not sure if its the lack of smoking or just the flu.

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2 Replies

Yes! I had terrible dreams and couldnt get to sleep! If i was lucky enough to fall asleep, i didn't stay that way for long. It took about a week to  a week and a half to get back into it. I think its from the stress and withdraw.  Keep hydrated, and just try to stick it out. Do you drink a lot of caffine?

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Well I'm glad I'm not the only one!  That's a relief!!

I don't usually drink a lot of caffine and actually haven't had anything other than some hot tea since my quit date.  I'm skipping my morning coffee because its a major trigger for me.  So I think it must just be the combination of stress, withdrawals, and the sinus cold I have been fighting.  Hopefully it will get better!! 

Thanks!  I'll keep hydrated! 

I'm on day 4 of being smoke free.  How about you??

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