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Give and get support around quitting


Today is day 4...whoo hoo!!

I get more excited with every hour I go without smoking. I am using lozenges but not in abundance.   

For months my husband has thought I quit smoking.  I've been sneaking around.  I've hated living a lie! Today I faced several challenges and made it through smoke free. Lots of triggering situations... but I used tips I've found here. 

I have a weight issue and am constantly trying to eat healthier.  I was so affraid of gaining weight if I quit smoking... So many people recommend Allen Carr's Easy Way to quit smoking that I went to Amazon to check it out...Lo and behold he has this book ALLEN CARR'S EASY WAY FOR WOMEN TO QUIT SMOKING AND NOT GAIN WEIGHT! I purchased it immediately and am reading it right now!!

Being an EX and a part of this wonderful group is keeping me motivated one day at a time.  

Thank you all for listening.


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7 Replies

I'm excited for you!  " EASY WAY FOR WOMEN TO QUIT SMOKING AND NOT GAIN WEIGHT! "  Let us know what you think about it.  Isn't it nice not to be living a lie any longer!


What a nice blog! I wish you well on your journey! I think your attitude is good and reading Carrs book is a sure sign your on your way. Stay close to this site and continue reading blogs on here...and blog yourself as needed .

Welcome to Ex


Deborah, congrats on your 4 days won.  You do sound more comfortable today.  I just finished Allen Carr's book myself--I took some good things away from it, but I still don't agree with him that it's easy.  I did become somewhat skeptical when I saw he had a book for every addiction and that it was "easy"  to overcome them all.  As I finished the book, I thought a better title might be that "We Make It Harder Than It Needs to Be".    But that's what we all  need to do-- take what works for you, an ignore the rest.  


Way to go Deborah!!!


The Book is awesome and I have about 2 hours of reading left!  I will update everyone when I'm done. 

It is so freeing not to be living a lie anymore!  

Deborah....5 DOF


I do love your recommended title for the book!  What I have picked up from reading is that we do make quitting harder than it is because of the brainwashing from the "experts".   I'm enjoying the read.

Deborah...5 DOF


Good for YOU...this is a journey and there are no shortcuts...I agree that it is NOT easy but it IS possible with commitment, education, and support.  Know that we are here for you...I HATE that sneaking around, I did it for a while years ago, everyone thought I had quit and when I came clean, my husband had tears in his eyes.  The kids said they already knew (my husband has a terrible sense of smell). Just remember that we are here for you and remember that quitting smoking needs to be the priority for a while...picking up a few pounds that you can lose later is a whole lot better than carting around an oxygen tank that you might never be able to lose.  This journey is a good one and we grow emotionally more than we can possibly anticipate.
