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Today is day 1 and no smoke yet..........

I have finally made up my mind that I am going to quit smoking. I have 2 small children that see me smoke and today my son came up to me with something in his mouth and he said look mommy I am smoking like you. Well that broke my heart and I am glad to say that I have not smoked at all today!!!! Today is Day # 1 and I already want a smoke but I know that if I truely want to do this than I can fight throught the cravings and quit. I will keep everyone posted to let you all know how I am doing. I really think that this might be it. Its my time to become an EX!!!!!
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4 Replies

I hear ya. Its been 16 hours since my last one and I cant even hardly watch tv because seeing aomeone smoking just kills me. hahaha. But I want to wish you the best of luck with this challange. My mother quit smoking years ago when she had her second child(My older sister). I hope that your children can give you great strength and you contine the great work.

I am in the same boat with the teaching. My #2 reason for quitting after "Live a long life" is to be a true role model to the students. They don't see me smoke, HOWEVER, I do live within the boundaries of my school, so there's always a chance. They're middle schoolers, too, and they are so prone to such risk-taking behaviors I feel absolutely implored.

If people can't find any other reasons and are involved with kids, BOOM, that's a prime reason.
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Hi Victoria,
I too am a teacher however I have about 165 students as I teach high school. I too am paranoid they will see me in my car smoking so I too wait until I get about 5 miles from the school. Not that it's a gaurantee as my students all drive as well. I feel like a real hypocrit. I also belong to Curves but have stopped going because I need to drive another mile down the road to light up that first afternoon smoke. AAARRRRRGGG I need a new life! I really, really want it to work this time.
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Good for you Amanda. Having a great motivation (your children) is a good thing.
You CAN beat this evil demon if you put your mind to it.
We are here to help. I am now on Week Three as a Non-Smoker. It DOES get easier. Harder in some ways, but defintely, overall, easier. You have friends here ready to help. We all want to see you suceed. Just keep doing what works for you. You CAN beat this! Just keep doing what works for you. I wish you the best!
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