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Tips for the Transition trigger?

Hi, I'm gearing up for attempt 3 in the past 6 months. I'm finding that my trickiest trigger is the transition cigarette. That one that is so hard to resist after finishing one thing and getting ready for the next: for example, I've finished replying to work emails, now I have to edit that article...I can't seem to get started on the next task until I finalise it with a cigarette.
I guess it's also boredom and procrastination. Anyone have any good tips for how to beat this trigger that can show its ugly face in any number of situations?
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16 Replies

Hi Alanushka,
What are the nicotine microtabs? Are they something like the lozenges? I don' know much about them, but wondered if you are suppose to use those with smoking? I'm glad you are working on your triggers and preparing yourself for your quit. I also think it's GREAT that you are going to decide on a qut date! Remember to write on here often.....this will help you get your frustrations out and keep you focused on your quit. You would be amazed how many people on here write about what they are feeling and actually talk themselves out of smoking!! Read all you can about smoking and quitting. Understanding your addiction will help you. Believe it or not, your saying "No thanks, don't smoke", isn't that far off! We are all here to offer you support when you need it. I am so excited for will never regret this decision.
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Well said Becky! That reminds me of when I smoked, I hated when people tried to bum a cigarette off of me. I always told them I only had one left. I remember thinking "they can buy their own smokes!" Now I laugh inside when I get asked that question. It feels so good to say "I don't smoke." That stops them in their path!
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Hey Alanushka! I'm real glad to see you involved and I appreciate your honesty. I see you putting way too much pressure on yourself. Quitting smoking is not a punishment. It's a reward for being brave enough to quit. I would suggest that you set a quit date ASAP or just do it now. The ideal time to quit is now before your addiction cons you out of quitting. Just do it. Quitting smoking is getting rid of a comfort blanket you've had for a long time. Just make it through the first few days which are the toughest, and remember the tough part is only temporary. Find other ways to keep your mind occupied. Watch TV, take a walk, call a friend, go out to eat, go see a movie, whatever it takes to get your mind off smoking. I know, easier said than done. Read "Survivors of the same wreck" group and every entry on that group. Michael has a very strong message. Read other members profiles and their stories. You'll get there, you're alot stronger than you realize.........
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Don't you just love it Edith? It is the best feeling in the world, especially when you've smoked for 37 years! We sure were stingy about putting toxins into ourselves, weren't we? Boy, when I look at that statement I have to think I must have been a nutcase! What demented thinking that was. I'm glad I came to my senses finally.
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Hey, Go visit Jonecarp's page. He's got some great sayings & quotes to keep with you. He's found the mind set that is necessary to quit. He says, don't over think it, just do it and that is so right. You can do this just put your mind to it and commit to it.
I got help from reading "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr. You might not agree with everything in the book, but it certainly can help with the mental aspect of quiting. You might want to give it a try. The worst you'll be out is a trip to the library or book store and some reading time if it doesn't help.

There is nothing you are giving up when you quit smoking, but there is so much to gain.
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microtabs are I suppose quite like lozenges. They're just micro. I live in the Netherlands, maybe they don't have them in the US. They're about the size of a birth control pill, I got them because they seemed smaller than the lozenges. The kind of lozenges I have and hated were about an inch wide and really minty. The microtabs have less flavour, but are still surprisingly packed with fake lemon taste. The information provided with them here says that you can mix them with smoking, using them to master particular triggers and distance yourself from smoking as much as possible. I never combine them close together.

Luckily the Dutch have just introduced a smoking ban in restaurants and pubs, so you can't smoke anywhere public indoors anymore. This makes life a bit easier! And it has been raining almost constantly so it's no fun to go stand outside.
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Thanks Alanushka,
I haven't seen the microtabs here in the U.S. , but whatever works for you! That is good that you can use them to master your triggers while doing this. Speaking of are you doing with those? Most states here have banned smoking in restaurants, bars and public buildings. Some places, like the hospitals and schools, you are not allowed to smoke even on their grounds. Your right, smoking outside in the rain and snow is definitely not fun. Keep up your plan and you will be smoke free in no time. Hey, just thought I'd mention that my Dad's family originally came from Holland.
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