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Give and get support around quitting


Time to Quit...

I am 51 years old and I have quit so many times that I have lost track...I want to quit for good. I want to live another 20 or 30 years...I am slowly killing myself with these cigarettes. I am truly pushing my luck here...I have set my Quit Day for July 1st...for some reason am I very scared about being able to do this this time. My life is full of stress...five children, building my second career...LIFE! I need all the support and encouragement that I can get!

Any tips or tricks will be much appreciated...
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11 Replies

Is'nt it different on this side of 50. For the firsat time in my life I can think about the rest of my life. I never had a habit of smoking befor I turned 50. I would only smoke when I was with friends or somebody in my family was sick etc...etc.. I had every excuse. But this time I'm really hooked on the nicotine. So Amy I feel scared too, Be sure and go to the panic button on the home page and I'm right behind you. Thursday is my quit date.
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Good luck sounds so powerless to say to I must say to your perseverance and strength...cause luck has nothing to do with it.

I will go to the panic button...but let's also encourage one another get through these scary days.

Thanks for the comment...add me as a friend.
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Dear Amy, It's difficult but you can do it if you really and truly want to be a non-smoker. AND the power of positive thinking is so helpful. I started by thinking of all the, very visable, negatives of smoking. Dry skin, extra wrinkles around my mouth, clothes and hair that smell like smoke, etc. Once I put the patch on, I kept repeating that 'I AM NOW A NON-SMOKER'. I now have 97 smoke free days after smoking for 41 years, approx 1 1/2 pks a day.....I didn't know how to start my car without pulling out a cigarette and lighting up! Know you can do it and it will start to happen. Now that you've set your quit date, CONGRADULATIONS!!!! Help yourself by starting to change up your routines a bit now, and it will be very helpful when your quit date comes. Keep reading and posting....write me anytime!
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I understand how you feel Holly. I've only been smoke free for a week but boy am I proud of myself as you will be with each smoke free day. I'm here to offer my support and cheer you on!
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Welcome Amy! I too am 51 and have quit for 5 weeks tomorrow. This is my second time and I have made it longer than the last time. I am using the patch & a lot of will power. The patch works well for me. Have you chosen a method or are you going cold turkey? Chantix was not a good experience for me but some swear by it! A 35 year habit is hard to break. It was probably started gradually and will go away gradually. If you need some support you can add me as a friend. I know exactly how you feel. Except..............I don't have 5 children & a new career that I am breaking into. It sounds as if you have plenty of distractions. Maybe you could use all of them to keep you from smoking! The very best of luck to you!
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Good luck Holly!
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Amy! Good to read your message...I too have decided on July 1st as my quit day. This group is very motivated and it's one way to connect with like-aged people through his program.

Have you told anyone yet? My husband and son are thrilled - they knew that I would find the time to be ready. Take care...
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I read your replies and I have to tell you that everything they are all saying is exactly right. It is not easy but you can do it if you really want it. I quit before I joined becomeanx then someone told me get on that site, they will be so much help, and yes they have. May 31 was my quit date and today is 19 days, I am also using the patch, but this time I am using the patch correctly, in the past I would take it off to smoke and not a good thing, and now that I look back at it, I didn't really want to quit, I was not committed. I am quitting because it was controlling my life, way too expensive, took way to much of my time to go outside, or somewhere to smoke so it would not annoy anyone, I stunk, my skin was dry, I was so tired all the time, the list goes on and on. But you know something it took for me to realize that I really wanted it, to do it, my mind says I don't want to smoke anymore but sometimes my body tells me I need a cig, I know in time this will get better. I have a fear of going down to 14 mgs on the patch and I think I do that in another 3 weeks, but I am hoping and praying for support for that, I fear the withdrawal, but now that my mind is clear I fear smoking more.
We are all here for you and don't be afraid to add me as a friend, I am an non-smoker now for 19 days but I have a long way to go and I need your support also. Good luck
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I'm 51 too. Today I've been quit one week. It's really been easier this time. At my age I know that it has to be now. I saw my mother go through by-pass surgery twice and now she has COPD. I'm really enjoying life after 50. When I was 30 I thought it would be awful. Hey I think we all look pretty hot. We deserve to be smoke free. Hang in there. And remember to use all those past quits to help you through this one.

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