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Tic Bite

Okay so I was in the woods all afternoon with grandson this past Monday. Not out hardly at all since. TODAY, THIS AFTERNOON, I go to rub my neck and its got something stuck to it. A freaking TIC! This is a first for me. I have had to pick them off me jeans before, but never my skin.   So Storm is gone and the area just looks like a normal bug bite no bullseye ...anyone else ever get bit before? Could it have been latched there since Monday????? I can't believe I just found it. We do have a dog but he's on preventative for it and I check him often and he does not go to woods,...but its been SO WET here as of recent. 

12 Replies

   Missy,    I'm glad you found it when you did and as everyone else had stated just keep a eye on it and call your doctor Monday

   Thinking about it now it was somewhat comical. Growing up our little neighborhood was surrounded by woods During the  summer we / my friends other children in the neighborhood would spend sometimes all day in the woods A few times a week one or more of the parents would line us up sometime there would 8 or 9 of us and check our heads for ticks Just as indingrl if they found any  heat to remove and then they burned them I have removed a couple from my boys growing up the same way  I guess we were lucky no one ever got sick. 


  • Blacklegged ticks - found in wooded and brushy areas. These are the ticks that transmit Lyme Disease.
  • Dog ticks - found in grassy fields and clearings. They can transmit Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, a disease which can cause fever, headache and rash.
  • Lone star tick - found in woodlands with plenty of overgrowth. are the primary transmitter of human monocytic 

See the source image


Cousin-Itt‌ , BarbscloudGiulia‌, sweetpltMarilynH‌ , YoungAtHeart , indingrl‌ elvan  Thanks everyone!

TIC TIC TALK, Thanks for all the Tic talk, lol

Today its just looks like a red bug bite, little sore only if I push on it, so I won't push on it. I looked at the pictures above and I think it was a dog tic. I already threw him/her out. I was in creek with grandson on Monday and bet thats where I got it.

We always have been on the country, lots tics , I just never had one on ME before. Yuk! Okay, so THANKS EVERYONE for your knowledge on this and I am not as freaked as I was and I will continue to watch it. If it changes at all I will have it checked.

XOXOX to all. Im actually gonna paint now. I have not painted at all for along time. I have several Elders to do, so I need to get busy  86 outside and muggy. I like cooler temps.