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Give and get support around quitting


Thursday's pledge

I am extending both of my hands out and pledge not to smoke today, nope, nada! My hands are there for the next person who wants to make a pledge.
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2 Replies

Hi Polly this is Holly from Oregon. I joined well over a month ago and have been putting off my quit day for the entire time. I'm a diabetic and know that the smoking is bad for me. But I almost have to be knocked over the head to get the message. I semi retired last July and sat here at home for all this time watching tv,eating, drinking diet Pepsi and smoking. I finally took a job at the local Fred Meyers or maybe it is Krogers where you live. I hit the floor running and never slow down. I got a blister right on the ball of my foot last week and finally went to the doc 2 days ago because it is not healing. It is infected so they put me on antiboitics and told me to stay off of it for a few days. so this morning I get up and go have my cigerettes sit in the sun and reading the paper. Make some plans for the day that include walking when the nurse called from the clinic to ask where to call in a new med. what new med I said? It is for blood pressure problems. What problems? She said the doc noticed it when I had already left. NOW if I quit smoking my BP will go DOWN, My foot will HEAL and I won't fall into this trap that so many of our peers are in. Wait, I think I'm in the trap but I have the option of turning it around if I want to . So those 2 hands you offered would really come in handy today.
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Hi Holly, Polly and anyone else reading this. I too pledge not to smoke for another 24 hours and hold my hand out in friendship and support to next in line who has quit or wants to quit. Hang on, your in for the ride of your life! Reenie
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