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Three weeks: is this when the blues hit?

Tomorrow makes three weeks. I’ve noticed an uptick in urges and cravings in the past 48 hours or so. And lack of good rest is starting to affect my mood and my general well-being. Still waking a lot at night. Body aches, etc. I guess I’m just feeling kind of down and tired. How are others feeling who are at about the three-week mark? Or what tips do you have for coping with the blahs?

still at it, just....blah  

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17 Replies

Congrats Lisa.  Wonderful


You know Lisa, after reading your reply above I believe you are going to make a great Elder.  So happy for your 72 days of living smoke free/nicotine free.


Thanks, michelle.. Very kind. That's a lofty goal. I'll accept that challenge, and extend it to you at the same time. We will do it together. Xox 


Accepted my friend.  


*** editors note 

correction 72 days. 

(But who's counting ... lol). 


I empathize with you Bdwallhau.  Feeling depressed when you are doing something so wonderful for yourself does not make sense at all, but know that your body is not depressed now that it is clear of smoke and nicotine.  Even though I did relapse I had plenty of days to know that the body and the mind are sometimes not in sync.  Listen to your heart that is beating healthier.  Stay strong and treat yourself to kindness


It's helped me so much to think of things in context of HEALING, as in we are not meant to have nicotine in our bodies from the start. We have to undo all the damage we caused from that toxic substance. From a healing perspective, more than a withdrawal or "missing out" perspective seems to be a more accurate and kinder approach to dealing with these feelings. 

Its counterintuitive that we WANT something that did us such harm. Let health and rational thoughts prevail, and we will heal from this unnatural addiction and regain our best lives. Xoxo 



From a healing perspective, more than a withdrawal or "missing out" perspective seems to be a more accurate and kinder approach to dealing with these feelings. 

This!  This is what i've been focusing on the last two days and it is helpful.