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Give and get support around quitting


This video says it all

This video has been around for some time now, for those that have yet to view it it is one worth taking a look at. What effect does it have on you quitting, if any?

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19 Replies

That certainly is your right to your opinion, Cindy. For me it was a reminder that every single time that I used to light up a cigarette, I was infecting myself with all kinds of toxins and poisons. Something I definitely don't ever want to do again.

I have been Smoke-Free and Healing for Two Years, One Month, Nineteen Days, 11 Hours and 37 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 67 Days and 20 Hours, by avoiding the use of 19,537 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $2,522.28.
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I watched all 15 of the associated videos, and any thought of relapse that i had before is gone. When my daughter is old enough, i will let her watch "thanks tobacco, you killed my mom", because that is the most gut wrenching thing i have ever witnessed in my life, and I know that when my daughter sees the tears stream down my face when we watch that together, that she will never smoke. Even though she does'nt know those people. Because tobacco almost killed her daddy.
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This was cool....thanks!!! Ive copied and pasted this for a good friend....thanks again!! Makes me sooo happy I stopped hurting myself!!
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Great video. I'd seen it before but forgotten it. Thanks for the reminder.
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WOW!!!! that was really GROSS!! I want to sent this to every smoker i know. thank you for adding it
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Hi i went and put that video on my page. I think everyone should so if they want to smoke they should watch that.
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thanks Linda - I kind of planned today to quit, and I think it's the right day, it's sunny outside and I've got alot of work today ( 15 massages to give !) I either will quit qt q certqin time towards the end of the day, or zhen my pack runs out....
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Oh yes, I cannot express the tears rolling down my fqce after this video. It slowed me dpwn the next day, ths following night I dreamt that I had a double cancer of the breast and the lung,but I still cannot stop smoking- What will it take ?
Thanks, Justin, for your 'temoignage' as we say in French- my kids (especially my son 11 years old), would love for me to quit- unfortunately, my 17 year old daughter has started smoking for the past year---aie aie aie ----
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Dear Linda, You're right on target ! I told myself this morning that it wasn't me that chose when I quit, but rather it was the THE DAY that CHOSE ME---- (I had a terrible dream last nght that I had a double cancer, breast and lung- this morning, I took my time to pick up my first cigarette---normally, it's while I'm making my coffee----
so today I thought it was THE DAY, and once again I picked up the cigarette- hopefully it'll happen soon, my real decision to stop,with a serious resolution to do it for good. thanks for your your support, I really appreciate it.
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Hello Jeannie. You sound so ready to quit! Have you looked at the ex program on this website? It is a program that takes you through the quitting process step by step. Your coffee & cigarette moment bring back my memories of my morning ritual. I thought I wouldn't be able to live without my cofee & cig in the morning! 4 weeks today for me and I smoked 35 years. All the best to you. You can do it - have your daughter do it with you before it's too late!!!
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