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This Is Absolutely Fascinating I Never Knew Did You?

Why your name is Capitalized with Banking & Government

where the worlds money comes from.


ok. it's long but it will be a good distraction and you'll learn something.

When you are registered at birth you are bonded and those CAPS represent the "Person."

That bond representing the tax revenue they expect you would generate is floated in the International Monetary Fund and one of the central banks buys yours (along with all the other children born in your country that year)

So say there are 3 million children born in your country, they estimate the lifetime tax revenue and may estimate  300 million. That's how the worlds money has been created since the early 70's

Mind blowing, YES?

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3 Replies

My room mate just tried paying a bill with that money it went through and then was reversed ! 

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I think all that rigamarol about cashing in on your "person's" account is internet tripe. This wasn't about that in any way.

This is about how from registration a child belongs to the government, why they do it and how it all works.

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my computer froze before I could finish my comment but you got the picture I know you are right about it being internet tripe ! 

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