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Give and get support around quitting

They Didn't Have A Good Plan


And It Shows 🙂

Make A Good Plan

Think It Through

As Much As You Can

Prepare For The Worst

Carry A Lemon

And Get Through The First

Four Month Span 

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11 Replies

I just showed my husband and he could not believe it...he knew SOMETHING was about to happen but he did not expect THAT.  It reminded me of a poster he had YEARS and YEARS ago of a train on a trestle backing up and part of the train was falling off...there was one word on the*t.  When I told him that, he laughed and laughed and said he had forgotten about that poster.  


I believe at least one of those involved will someday be honored with a Darwin Award (the person doing the most for society by permanently eliminating their DNA from the gene pool).