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Give and get support around quitting


The struggle is real and usually kinda ugly.

Lets chat about first 3 months in on the uglies of being a quitter" (Non_smoker)

I feel very irritable today.  day 1. Like do not mess with me I have my mind on something very important  for my body.

Honestly looking for the uglies of quitting   anyone else?

Not menopause.  What some experience from being a quitter.   I will probably be 4 people today or maybe more personalities.  I pray to be to sleepy, and non-hungary" this final quit.  Amen

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Oh goodness! that had to of been difficult I know understatement so sorry. I'm impressed you didnt smoke. You are absolutely right never solves anything. As time goes on im beginning realize it is the cause of most of my "oh darn I don't have the money for the credit card, lemme go smoke so I can "deal" with this"...not realizing that pack of ciggarettes was 1/4 of the bill. Or "I feel so crappy let me light one so I can relax" not putting it together that the reason I felt so crappy was because of all the crap I'm inhaling multiple times a day into my body. I mean there things you know like I knew smoking was bad and unhealthy, but until you combine those thing in your head like cause and effect I didnt really put it together. Like I'm feeling bad because I am a smoker I dont have extra income because i need to support my addiction. Once your brain connects it like that it somehow clicks and propels you onto the path of being an ex. Thats where it starts I think. And getting the courage to fight the fight because we all know withdraw sucks and I had a lot of fear of it all.

I'm so happy for you for staying quit. I am on the road to freedom and relieved to have almost two weeks down.


I didn't save for one thing, but I save money every month that would have went to cigarettes. I've bought myself gifts, used for Christmas this past year, and lately using some for Charlie (the new dog).  


I saved by writing down the amount I'd saved by not smoking that week on a piece of paper in a jar. When I wanted to buy something, like concert tickets, I took the pieces of paper that equaled what I was going to spend out of the savings jar.  I quit using the jar when I started seeing my bank account have money left on paydays!   


Love this idea! We mostly use debit card for purchases. We dont keep cash money in the house so I was trying to figure out how I was going to show me how I'm doing

I thought about opening a savings act and asking them to put 50 ish dollars a week from my checking act but I wanted something more tangible that I can look at all the time to remind me about it when I am not thinking about how much I'm saving but to just be walking by and see a jar of "monies" and say "oh yes i'm doing great!!" but the paper money idea is genius! Thank you!


You're very welcome.  My "money" slips of paper weren't the same for every week either. The amount varied based on events or days in that week where I would have probably smoked more than a pack a day.  To see it add up with my own eyes was another motivator in my quit.  I hope this will help you as a motivator as much as it did me. 

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ugly is in the eye of the abuser 


  It is very emotional for many of the process of being a quit.  Thank you.

you call; something ugly you've made a decision it's ugly.

You call something painful, you've made a decision it's painful.

It's hard to change your own mind when you keep telling yourself something.  



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