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Give and get support around quitting


The start of my journey

Had last cigarette on February 5th. So far so good. My big trigger was driving. Got in the truck, lit up. Spent the month of January driving without smoking more and more. 

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 and best wishes on your nonsmoking journey.

It is a journey, one day at a time. NOPE, not one puff ever no matter what is happening will keep you free. 

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Welcome to the community!

Congratulations on your decision to quit and your (almost)  TWO WEEKS! You have made it through both H#ll and Heck Weeks.  Good for you!

Great idea to change up smoking in your truck before you quit.  Here a couple of other ideas to help with not thinking about smoking when you drive  count the red/blue/white cars you see, or the lights you hit or miss, or the number of other trucks you see.  Keep a cold bottle of water with you from which to sip.  Look at other vehicles you pass and make up stories about the folks in them.  Are they going to work?  Or - are they related?  How?  Do they look happy to be going to their destination?  Do they are like each other?  Why or why not?  You might also sing out loud to some music as you drive.

Glad you found us!  Let us know when you have questions or need support!


Congratulations on your precious quit journey YAY for each and every Day WON with many more to come, you are doing this quit and you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at time, stay close because we're all here to help you in any way we can......

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Thank you Marilyn. I appreciate the encouragement. I think it's easier than I thought because I have been a very light smoker for many years, and I finally decided enough is enough. I still get the occasional urge, but I seem to be able to shake it off pretty quickly. So for feeling pretty lucky. 


Keep up the great Work!!!!!!!


Bet your car truck smells a lot better! I know when I quit smoking it was like day and night in my car because towards the end of my smoking that’s the only place I could smoke besides my deck at home.  Keep educating yourself on this site because you are in the early stages and I know I had to use an awful lot of straws, sunflower seeds and licorice to satisfy that oil gratification. Keep up the good work.


Hello and Welcome to Ex’s Jflieder 

You are doing it...super...keep some things in the truck when you are driving to reach for instead of the, hard candy, a small bag of pretzels or carrot sticks, bottled water, etc., it does get better and you will be so happy that your truck smells good...keep close to the support site for help...Colleen 809 DOF 

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Congrats on your success.   I kept straws to chew on and Sour Patch Kids in my car.  It really helped!

Keep moving forward on your journey.


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