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The Seven Year Itch

Seven Years ago today (2557 DOF) I launched my Quit! So how does it feel to be out here?

Well, part of me is Proud of my accomplishment knowing that my chances of getting here were not good - but I did it! Yeah!

And there's always that whispery voice - "just one doesn't hurt!" It's still there, barely, and easy to ignore but it would also be easy to listen to had I not prepared myself for just this thing!

I think the most challenging aspect at this time in my Quit Journey is this:

When do I get back to normal?

But Life isn't like that, is it? Life changes, circumstances change, we hope it all moves progressively forward. I have a new job, I have become a grandfather (a second baby girl expected in September!) and as the gentler saying goes, Life Happens! So no, I will never get back to anywhere!

Nor will I arrive in this Lifetime! Each time I hear of another person passing away so young it scares me. Yet isn't that the there that I'm seeking? The irony of living!

Years ago I was introduced to the concept of the New Normal. There is no going back - only forward - but I won't always feel the angst of Nicotine Withdrawal. It didn't just disappear one day. It was a long process of becoming! Oh yea, no wonder BecomeanEX is so apt!

Actually there is a lot of Science behind all of this Social EXperiment that is our EX Community! From No Man's Land to the Freedom Train, from the EX trips to the EX Café - they're all based on solid research!

And so is the New Normal! The good news is we each get to create our own New Normal! Yours isn't mine isn't somebody else's! They're as individual as each of us!  And perhaps that is the there we are seeking!

So what kind of road map can we use?


Well, not really a Road Map - more like a starting point! Besides:


49 Replies

I am truly Blessed to have the opportunity and to live close enough to watch it all happen! Penny's Mother got her Dream Job at CSU as a veterinary researcher - perfect for her and for our Family! She's working with a genius Temple Grandin, recently inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame! My Son is on the Road to RN and later Pharmaceutical Research.  I'm so proud of them!


Life really is Grand without a Cigarette in Hand, I wish you a Super Fantastic Day Thomas which I hope you will do something EXtra special for yourself today.  because you deserve to be pampered on your awesome milestone my friend and fellow Exer.


She actually works with Temple Grandin? That woman is one of my heros! Talk about overcoming barriers. How amazing is that?

I am bubbling with EXtitude this morning. I woke up with with a blog writing itself in my head.  Then I read Bonnie's insightful question and its many great responses. Now I read yet another definitive blog from you. I am full up of EX-tility. It's a wonderful thing.Thank you.

Seven years, still scratching the new normal. Congratulations!

Thank You, Pati! You bring me to the next level as an EXer! It just gets Better and Better!


Congratulations!  I'm so proud of you Thomas!  Thank you for being such an inspiration to newbies like myself.  I wouldn't have 5 months under my belt without you!  Have a wonderful day and make sure to celebrate!


Thank You, Rachel and Congratulations on 5 Months! That's Spectacular!


Congratulations Thomas on 7 years and Thank-you for all your work here at EX.  It is truly appreciated.  Also a big congratulations on becoming a Grandfather again in September!

Thank You, Jennifer! You are my steady Rock! Thanks for your Friendship!


Congratulation Thomas! 7 years. You are such an inspiration. Love reading your blogs. I'm a newbie my self,with a mere 34 days. Thanks for paving the way for so many of us. Treat yourself to something ex-traordinary today you deserve it! Congrats on the next new grandbaby. 

Cimstrong, Thank You and Congratulations for 34 Awesome Days of Freedom!