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Give and get support around quitting


The Leper Syndrome

When you smoke you feel like the last smoker on the planet or at least one of the last of a (both literally and figuratively) dying breed. But when you quit it seems like every driver on the road has a cigarette in their hand. That is more of that mind-trickery addiction plays on you. Recognize it for what it is. Feel sorry for those people. They are junkies. They smell bad. You are sooo much better off. Imagine what it will be like for them when they decide to stop. Remember what day one and two and three were like. People were and ARE here for you.

Pay it forward and be here for the next guy. Lepers unite

22 Replies

Leper’s Unite kindofodd that I am quit, I seem to see smokers everywhere or smell it...smoking is not an option for me...and I never want Day 1 again...Great message...especially the pay it forward...Happy Monday ~ Colleen 322 DOF ~ 


Exactly right!


The brain is a weird thing, yeah? What you notice and what you don't.


So true.  I can smell it a mile away now.


...and I can smell a SMOKER a mile away, too - even if they are not actively smoking.  P U!

SO glad I don't smell like that anymore!


I agree totally with you all.Im glad I don't smell like that anymore.I notice and smell people all the time now I'm  grateful I'm smoke free


Yeah me too, it's like having bionic nostrils whew glad to be smoke free 


Seriously?  I read so much compassion here and then read something that resorts to name calling and ridicule?  Replies sounding like we are better than them?  I’m sadly disappointed that of ALL the people that would understand addiction it would be us.  We were once there.  I get the idea of the post, but the jumping on what seems to be a high horse turns me off.  I definitely notice smokers now that I didn’t.  To pity them (for me) is a judgement.  I wouldn’t want people to have thought that about me.  I have always been respectful of choices unless it was hurting someone else.  

Where do I fall here as someone that is still using NRT's at almost 11 months?  My doctors make me feel good but I’m guessing it might be judged here as a flaw.  I don’t think my other battles would be considered.  I don’t like the repetitive daily withdrawl in the morning, but I have to deal with things like serious non smoking related health issues and the anniversary of my husbands death coming in a few days, much less the holidays including our birthdays alone.  Yes, yes, I know....I am just a junkie talking.  I should toughen up and take it all on when I can barely drag thru a day.  People are more than just smokers and non smokers.  

I’m sorry if I am particularly sensitive.  But I want to feel this is a safe place.  I think of a newbie reading this thread and I would be intimidated.  Maybe frightened off.  Let the slings and arrows begin.  


Sorry Gwen.  I had no intentions of being judgmental.  I believe I've always been supportive of you and your situation.  We have to do what works for us.  I've said before, my doctor told me he'd rather I used the nicotrol inhalers forever than smoke.   I have too many of own issues to judge other's peoples behavior (unless it's violent, discriminatory, etc.)  Smoking is legal, so I believe people have the right to smoke.  I know others have commented seeing people smoke and feeling sorry for them--can't say I've actually felt that emotion yet.   And I think  others were only commenting on noticing the smell more now that they've   quit.  Please correct me if I wrong.    

