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The Evil Within My Life

My name is Heather. I started smoking when I was a few months shy of my 16th birthday.  I don't know why I even started.  No one was pressuring me to do it, but in a way, I felt left out from the crowd because I wasn't lighting up at the parties, so perhaps it was a sort of acceptance thing I was looking for and I was way to scared to do drugs so cigarettes were my poison of choice.   Poison is the best way to describe it too.

I am told that I was susceptible to becoming a smoker because my mother smoked when she was pregnant with me and I grew up with both parents being heavy smokers.  I don't know how much truth there is in such a statement, I suppose on some level it might be true, but only one of my three brothers is a smoker too.  

I'm a few months shy of my 40th birthday.  Cigarettes have caused me to have asthma.  Cigarettes have caused me to shy away from exercise because I cannot breathe well.  Cigarettes make me look frantically for an opportunity to smoke before getting into a car full of non-smokers, going into restaurants, taking a break at work... all things that must be thought about before I ever light up so its not like I am UNAWARE that I am doing this!  I actually make a plan of attack!   

My name is Heather.  I quit smoking six and a half days ago.  I have had a headache for every one of those days.  I have broken two dinner plates. Dented one can of soup.  Become obsessive about sucking on butterscotch candies. Made my tongue raw with chewing on sunflower seeds.  In the process of developing an habit of furiously cleaning something when a craving strikes.  But.....  I HAVE NOT GIVEN IN.   

I opened an account at the bank I work at in which every two weeks, $70 will be deposited.  This is my reward for not smoking.  It is averaged to $5 per day that I do not buy a pack of cigarettes ( that's the average cost here in Missouri ).  I figure I was spending the money on cigarettes so I won't miss this money coming out of my paychecks. 

I do have to mention that I find a lot of the "stop smoking" commercials quite amusing.  I like the one best where the woman is trying to back out of her driveway and keeps hitting things and basically acting like she's never driven before. The tag line is something like "If you can learn to drive without cigarettes..."    These are great commercials!  


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5 Replies

Hello Heather, I was just reading your story and it kinda sounds like me we both started the same time for the same reasons we are the same age on the same quit day the only words I have for u is everytime u feel that urge just remind yourself how crappy u feel how u are out of breath for nothing and u know in that 3 minute fix the same 3 minutes where going to pass anyways with or with out it time is still going to go by its just this time it will be better u feel better u will enjoy your life more please hang in there we are going through this together                         Your freind, Bill Ritacco

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Hi Heather!

Good on you for staying strong.  I'm only on Day 3 - will turn 39 this year - been smoking since 18.

I have a tip for you and you can take it or leave it but I think it could help in many different ways.  There's a great workout DVD call 10 minute QuickFix Cardio Kick.  It has 4 10 minute segments and they can be done beginners to intermediate.  I love this DVD and have been doing it for years.  It's a real go-to for me.  Especially now.  Sometimes when I want a smoke I'll just pop it in and do one 10 min segment - which is usually how long it would take me to smoke.

It's got great ratings at Amazon too!  So this can be a distraction from smoking AND a way to get back into exercise.

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Hi I have not quit yet I am going cold turkey with a quit date of 1/31/10 I was smoking 1 1/2 - 2 packs per day and sometimes more. Since 1/1/10 I have cut back to 1/2 pack a day. I have tried several times before and of course I failed or I wouldn't be here right. I know most of my trigger points, but they are part of my everyday life so I can't avoid them I am learning to avoid the butts instead. I really like all of the becomeanx commercials. You don't eat,drink,drive,ect everytime you smoke so why smoke when you do these things. When I want to smoke I think of these commercials, my wife (who aslo smokes and is joining me in my effort) my 2 daughters, and 6 grandchildren. To date this has helped and hopefully it will continue to do so. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US AND GOD BLESS. This is a life changing event saty strong and plow through it.

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Hi Heather

I just read your blog and wanted to congratulate you on your quit so far - its never easy in the beginning but I do promise you it will get better - I was the same way when I first started - a friend of mine on this site told me to take st johns wort for the moodiness and it does help alot - I recommend it. It was also a great idea to open that bank account!! I think I will do the same.

Hang in there Heather - the rewards you get in the future from quitting will far outway any withdrawal symptoms you have today. Keep up the great work and keep in touch !!



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To each of you, I extend my thanks.  This is such a hard obstacle to overcome and its awesome that we have each other to lean on for encouragement and advice!  

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