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Give and get support around quitting




1.Take a walk, look outside, smell the flowers.

2.Drink water. Then drink some more. More. The whole bottle, OK?

3.Get out some crayons and color. I don’t care if you’re 50!

4.Put on some music and do a little dance.

5.Have a snack. Take time to enjoy it.

6.Call a loved one.

7.Write a letter to an old friend.

8.Teach a child something wonderful and positive.

9.Go to the online support group and post, post, post . 10.Write down exactly how you feel, however awful. Either save or dispose of this piece of paper, as long as you got it out . 11.Go try on a great pair of shoes. You don’t have to buy, just try them on.

12.Clean your house top to bottom.

13.Curl up in bed with a book and a cup of Sleepytime tea.

14.Bake something ridiculously fattening and fantastic.


16.Take deep breaths, and feel just how deep they go, you smokefree superstar you!

17.Make a list of vacations you’d really like to take and do a little research to see if you can make one happen.

18.Make or buy some thank you cards. You’ll need to thank the people close to you for dealing with your quit. In a way, they’re doing it too.

19.Bond with your pet.

20.Look at, organize, or create a photo album.

21.Pray, mean it, and ask God simply to walk beside you.

22.Smoke a straw instead.

23.Have a lollipop. Make it last.

24.Have a Popsicle!

25.Make your Christmas list. So what if it’s June. Or make a list of possible gifts to give.

26.Sign up for a class you’d like to take…painting, aerobics, whatever!

27.Write a poem about quitting.

28.Write a poem for someone you love very much.

29.Research your family tree.

30.Play in the snow.

31.Go for a swim.

32.Flip through a magazine or catalog.

33.Chew gum.

34.Bleach your teeth! It’ll inspire you to keep them clean.

35.Dye your hair if you feel like it.

36.Get involved in your community or in a charity that you believe in. You don’t have to give money if you give your heart.

37.Think of something to add to this list!

38.Write a letter to the troops.

39.Go to the store and buy yourself a treat…candy, a crown, whatever you’d like to reward yourself with on this smoke free day.

40.Write down the reasons you quit smoking and keep it in a safe place.

41.Play a video game.

42.Give yourself a pedicure. Guys too…why not?

43.Go to and look at the pictures of your friends here at TLOS.

44.Spend some time looking at Lee’s website.

45.Do an exercise video/DVD or go to the gym.

46.Punch and throw pillows…great tension relief.

47.Have an ice cream sundae.

48.Go to the movies. Can’t smoke in there, can you? Nope.

49.Go bowling.

50.Play chess…against yourself if nobody else will.

51.Check out other message boards…see what’s happening, what people have to say.

52.Give a hug; you end up getting one in return.

53.Kiss your significant other…you don’t stink anymore, they’ll love it!

54.Go get some flowers and arrange them in your home.

55.Get some pretty smelling candles for your pretty smelling new life.

56.Go for a drive.

57.Try on your old prom or wedding dress or suit.

58.Take a child to the park, or, if one isn’t available, go to the park and watch the children play.


60.Take a bubble bath.

61.Give or receive a massage.

62.Tell a stranger that you’re smoke free. Who cares if they think you’re crazy. Be loud and proud. milky ways apparently work quite well (hi Lola and MA).

64.Make a list of things you are grateful for.

65.Meditate on the positive changes that have occurred since you quit smoking.

66.Read the newspaper cover to cover.

67.Read Junkie Thinking again. Again. Again. Got it?
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15 Replies

I like the ideas, you could also just try and put something else in your head like remember the good times especially when you were young and didn't smoke ya know
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hello all!!
thought i would bring this back, always helpfull!
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Hello Julie!
yes i like to sing also and very loud,(very bad also) but don't care it makes bad ideas go away fast and bfings a smile to my heart!
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OK lets sing along.....gone is the cigi lol!!!!
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Hey Julie,
You have to commit, really commit, my friend, no 2 ways about it....
get rid of any cigs in your house, no temptation...of course, you are in charge, so if you want to smoke you can, but if not, then commit, no more, no excuses, go run everytime you want a smoke, you wrote you wanted to run,yessss, you can do this, you have to help yourself, remember why you decided to quit, also read some more over here, you can do this, i feel it!
take good care of yourself! ">
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This is really helpful, thank you! I think I will print it and post it somewhere in my house.
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