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Surprising Quit Date

Hello August Quitters!
My quit day was last night at 8:30 p.m. I didn't plan on quitting until Aug. 11th. Let me tell you how that changed.

I took my morning Zyban pill yesterday and felt really "woozy" afterwards. I actually felt like I was a little drunk. I called the doctor later that afternoon because I still wasn't feeling right. My call was not returned. Later that night, I started feeling tightness in my chest, still felt woozy, and had to catch my breath a few times. I was scared!

I was at my doctor's office at O'dark thirty this morning. She gave me an EKG, checked my blood enzyme levels, and did a lung function test. Everything came back perfect except guessed it the lung function test. I am only 32 and my lungs are already functioing 15% lower than what they should be. Wow, what a slap in the face, and that was the one I needed. My doctor said that since everything was fine in my body, it must mean that the dosage is too high. I am a very petite person and was taking 300mg of Zyban. I told her that the urges to smoke are very minimal with the medication, and I wanted to continue the medication and she reduced my dosage to 150mg.

Today was actually a gift handed to me on a silver platter. I was never going to smoke a cigarette again... never again! My husband and I stopped at a gas station to buy gas. While he was pumping the gas I took whatever cigarettes I had in my car and threw them in the trash can. D-O-N-E, done!

I am proud to say that August, 4, 2008 at 8:30 p.m. was my quit date!
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2 Replies

OMG congrats!!! sorry you had to go throught the scare but then again it did turn out to be a great thing. You'll do fine...I can hear the committment in your voice :). Keep on keeping on!
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Thanks Debby and it did turn out to be a great thing! Sending you some strength, too!
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