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Summer Camp for Smokers

Ok people  .... I am a smoker who doesnt smoke anymore.  Today I woke up because my dog Mannie, who sleeps in my bed was looking out of the window at 7:30 in the morning,  and saw a  black dog going down the trail behind my house and started barking his guts out and ended up throwing up  on the bed  and on my pyjamas and even the mattress cover, and  I yelled at him and hurt his feelings, I didn't get my house work done, I cancelled luncheon with friends.  I didn't change the paper in my budgies cage. I checked in with the Ex Community and made my pledge, and someone reached out their hand to me and I cried. I went to the store and bought a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream and drank most of it, so now I can't meditate because I can't concentrate, and my dog has had his tail down most of the day and that is my fault. i feel like not a good person, not evil or anything, just a limp loser, and here I am at summer camp for smokers who don't smoke and I just want to say.  how wanky it all seems today,. so thanks to you all for having me in your company. I mean, I am a wanker who did not smoke today. And you all have helped. I feel like the Ex Community is a summer camp for smokers who don't smoke.  And I'm glad to be here.

15 Replies

The start to your day made me laugh out loud, I am so sorry.  I have certainly had those days but they DO pass.  Your dog is going to be fine and so are you.  I would watch the alcohol just because it has a strong history as a quit killer.  Keep in mind that this DOES get better, oh, and I remember Summer Camp as being a whole lot more fun than the beginning of a quit.  Oh, and to add something to anaussiemom‌'s  comment, I can tell you from experience that there is no way to BLOW BUBBLES in an angry way either.  It is one of my quit BUILDERS!  Stand outside and blow bubbles and you will be breathing healthy air (hopefully) and smiling.



I know it's not funny when it's happening but I hope one day you can seem the humor in it all because it made me chuckle! Glad you stopped by. 

Here I thought, I was the only ONE who had alot of that in the beginning! It does pass...Sometimes, it is still happening but we are growing in our journey...So, we do not give those ulgy things the same attention. I have yelled at my 11 yr. old doxie Mazy a few times, Since Feb. 5th..... She is very forgiving!

Prairie 70 DOF


Oh wow I’m glad I wasn’t the only one too. I feel better

0 Kudos

i used too think i would need to live on a deserted island for a year to quit smoking. i just needed ex.


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(ex-husband, that is!!!)