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Give and get support around quitting



Diagnosed yesterday with COPD. I'm 45, female, single and have smoked for 30 years.  I have Got to quit but I'm scared that I will turn into a turbo bitch and take it out on coworkers, family, etc.  Suggestions??

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13 Replies

Welcome.  Sorry about your diagnosis.  You have come to the right place for support.  We are a big community with different levels and areas of expertise.  As for the COPD Thomas3.20.2010 page has a wealth of information.  

 Start First, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links   and

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to and get started. We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom.


Thank you to all the repliers to my concern.  I really appreciate it.


Hi Jen, the bullshit lies we tell ourselves (and believe) so we don't have to quit amaze me. Mine was " I've quit everything else this is my only vice." Even though this vice is killing me. Denial runs deep. Your Doctor tells you your slowly chokeing yourself and your worried about turbo bitch. Join us in freedom, turbo bitch won't last but freedom will.



Welcome to EX.  I would prepare for your quit by doing all of the reading on here including "The Easy Way to Quit."  I did not find quitting too be easy but once I really understood my addiction, I found it easiER.  I had good days and bad days but I had them when I smoked too.  We see our smoking as some sort of best friend.  Who has a best friend who is trying to kill them?  Who has a best friend who controls their every move?  Answer...NO ONE.  While you are still smoking, take the time to track your cigarettes and figure out when your triggers occur and which ones are the strongest...plan for what you will do instead of smoking when a trigger occurs.  I wrote that down.  I had a plan for each of my many triggers.  I smoked for 47 years with the exception of quitting for pregnancies and some short term failed quits.  This time, I got so sick that I really got a look at what my death would be like if I kept on smoking.  There is no guarantee that I still won't die gasping for breath but I don't have to FEED that, I don't have to rush my death and feed my COPD.  I needed to learn to care for myself and I enlisted friends and family and even strangers to help me on my journey.   I have always been the same person I am now but I stuffed my feelings into cigarettes and I don't do that any more. I may be a little less patient with people but, you know what?  Those people took advantage of my patience and my kindness for a very long time and I am over it.  I am not turbo bitch but I could pull her out if I needed to.  I quit smoking to take care of myself and to give myself the best chance I could to live as long as I can.  I did not give anything up, I took my life back, I am in control of my choices and now I am aware of that.

If I can do this, anyone can, I have not smoked in over three years now and, believe me, I have had some rough times but I know that smoking doesn't fix anything, it doesn't even make things better.  Believe it, you CAN DO THIS.
