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Successfully quit smokers: what strategies worked for you to curb the social trigger?

My quit day is tomorrow (yay!) and I have been successfully disconnecting from my triggers, except that I live in a rural area where smoking is very common and part of the social structure. People smoke everywhere! Most of my dear friends are heavy smokers, and I have been noticing the most resistance between my rational-wanting-to-quit brain and my nutso-addicted-smoker brain in social situations. I have a couple of strategies I have been trying to implement socially, but they feel feeble! So, successfully quit smokers, I am wondering what you did to eliminate that social aspect of the habit. Any tips or tricks that really packed a punch for you? Thanks!

15 Replies

What worked for me were Altoids, walking away, and doing deep breathing or taking a walk.  Physical movement until the 5 minute crave passed was my best weapon.  That and telling myself I just don't do that anymore helped me through.   You've got this.  It so worth it to persevere.  I promise.  Keep us and your quit plan close, and USE THEM!!!!  They will get you through to a whole new smoke free world.


Well I'm happy to say that today was my first day quit and that literally every single one of my triggers was thrown at me today, including my chain smoking bestie showing up this morning and some seriously frustrating issues with our neighbor and I haven't smoked!!! In fact, my friend was incredibly supportive, which is something I was worried about. Definitely need to celebrate with some bacon!!


You and Tommy (pir8fan‌)



Stressball in my pocket to take out and squeeze as needed. Arctic Altoids followed by a drink of water, you will smell and taste nothing but strong STRONG peppermint for the better part of 5 minutes.N.O.P.E. I do not ever want to go through another first day quit again! It stinks! (no pun intended)

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Until you really WANT to quit the triggers of the smoker in you might need to avoid the situations for a bit.  Tell your friends and family why it's so important for you to not be in the trigger situation until you have practiced your 'shield' of coping protection methods.  I can now be around my only friend that smokes although the smell is disgusting.  She is an understanding, considerate smoker like I was.  Now if I could just get her to want to stop.

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Stay away from the group for few days need enjoying social life. 

after some days, you will feel confident that yes ! i can quit smoking. Hold on still and refrain going to society while they enjoy smoking. some days depend upon individual mindfulness. I took one full week to stay away from my smoking friends.

after that, you would be dilemma, go or not to go not go. thats all. The aim is to quit smoking..remember.

Once you gain confident, bring in your mind, the concept that how your friends are still smoking, and think of all bad things about it, go to the group, but politely say NO to smoking.

Once they know that you have really really quit smoking, they will start looking at you with respect, may be they will be speaking about it, and praise you, or will do it in their mind. Few will say something else, why quit and all that..leave it there.

I think, as the quit days are in triple digit, you gain huge confidence to go in society, who were your smoking friends earlier, and you of course do not smoke there.

All the best

I quit since last 2027 days ! gone through this, sincerely.