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Stupid Lies You Told Yourself?

All these recent posts about our tricky minds reminded me of a dream I had last night.  I was in line at a convenience store behind a woman who asked the clerk for a pack of her cigarettes.  The clerk said it was cheaper per pack to buy a carton, and the woman said, “No thanks, I’m trying to quit.  If I buy the carton, I’ll smoke them all”.  When I woke up, I remembered how I lied to myself that way for years.  For 30 some years I always bought cartons.  Then 12 years ago, I got “serious” about quitting again.  Told myself I would only buy one pack and quit after that.  Then I bought one more pack.  Then one more.  At 15 cigarettes a day, times 365 days in a year, divided by 20 cigarettes in a pack, times 10 years – that’s 2,740 times I told myself this is the last pack I’m buying!  What's that old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? 


Your Head.jpg

30 Replies

Lol I noticed that all my excuses I had for not smoking are the same  as everyone else's and here I thought I was the only one with this thought process