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Give and get support around quitting


Struggling thru Day 1

Day 1 for me, the work day is busy so not too hard, once I get home I'm alone and bored.  I've been

working on a jigsaw puzzle, dont feel like cleaning.  I'm doing alot of deep breathing.  Please tell me this

gets easier? thanks all!!

38 Replies

Welcome kelsmynme one precious smoke free day at a time or one hr, one minute or even one second at a time, just keep moving forward and stacking up your precious DOF  - Days Of Freedom 


Welcome to EX! Best place ever to quit smoking. The only advice I have to offer is "don't dwell on the craves and when a trigger hits, if possible, physically getup and walk away". Hang there, hang here!

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The only way out is through


JonesCarpeDiem‌ said it all, "The only way out is through"...there are no shortcuts on this journey.


Hi kelsmynme!

Today is Day One (won) for me!  I have been on this website for about 3 weeks.  This is my first post and just did my pledge for today.  This is the place to be when bored or not.  I have been reading all sorts of info, from current to quite a few years ago.  I am finding this place as said so many times is YOUR go to place.  I find that I am not alone.  I do check in here once a day and read, read and get lost on here.  I have found it very informative and as everyone says, if you don't see it here - ask!  I will be doing that myself.  I am actually doing better than expected today after being a smoker for over 40 years!  When I smoked, I smoked about 7 cigarettes a day.  This is not my first quit.  I am not trying to think about later.  I am just thinking about now.  The old saying:  one day or minute at a time.  Lets see what is around the next corner and approach it when it happens.  I myself love doing jigsaw puzzles and always have one out.  I have made it a point today to make sure I was busy after work.  I will continue to keep myself busy through the rest of the day.  That is also part of the plan (my plan).  Since you don't want to clean, do the puzzle, I get lost in them for hours.  Today I haven't had a chance, but it is on my list.  Also, please try and read more on this site.  Get yourself lost on this site.  I find it very soothing and comforting.  Maybe we can even be quit buddies?  Good Luck and keep the faith, baby steps!    


Thanks so much for your support! I got lost in my puzzle for about an hour last night then took the dog for a walk. The weekend is upon us and this will be my true test, too much time on my hands. I'm making plans so I will be busy. Wishing you a smoke free day. Would love to be quit buddies, not sure how it works, I'm new here. 

Thanks Kelly


Hi Kelsmynme,  I'm not sure how it works either to be a quit buddy.  I just saw a bunch of messages and are going through them.  I noticed that you are following me, so I clicked to follow you too.  At least we can communicate that way.  I'm glad you are making plans for the weekend also having a dog to walk is going to be great.  That will be good for many reasons, one being in the info I have been reading it says if you are having a trigger to take a quick brisk walk.  You will have the advantage of asking your fur baby to join you.  Good for you both!  Maybe just knowing that each other is just starting out, we can vent or talk here about what we are experiencing and knowing that we are not in the boat alone.  Will be checking in here again tomorrow.  Have a great night!!  We can do this and we will..


Good choice!  You've found a good place to be and I do believe you can make it, as  does everyone else that has commented. I think the trick is to convince ourselves we can make it!

I was fortunate when I chose to put the cigarettes down because it was Aug and I could shell beans from my garden. Trust me. I shelled a whole lot of beans!

I'm not gonna lie-------I did not find this in the least bit easy nor have I been an Oh So Happy quitter, however I been smoke free for almost 19 months now. As much as I do still some times want to go buy a pack, I know I'm not going to do that. It's been too hard a battle for me to want to chuck it all...

So hang in there and find what works for you.

Hugs & Blessings


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Welcome to EX.  pastedImage_1.jpg

You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth.  This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smokef-ree.

 Start First, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links   and

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to and get started. We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom.

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It does get easier but it takes time.  I tend to worry about quit buddies who are at about the same place in their quits because if one person gives an EXcuse to the other one.  If you both OWN your quits and realize that you have to take care of them as the fragile things they are, you can support each other.  I would recommend that you stay very close to the site, come here in the morning and again at night and in between if you have time. You will learn how others got through things and you will be able to adapt some of the things they do to help yourself.  Lean on people here, particularly elders, read and pay attention.

Welcome to both of you.