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Give and get support around quitting


Strength in numbers.

We are stronger together,stronger for outselves and others.It is not about me it is about WE!
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10 Replies

I love that Jennie and after joining this site i absolutely believe that. I have been trying to quit again ever since i restarted and never made it more than a couple of days. the only difference this time is the support i have received here. Now i want to give back. If we all give someone a hand up we can all reach the top and a life free from this addiction.
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Hey Nomes,
I think this group was ment for me .Somehow I feel like everything said here is exactly what I need at exactly the right time. (And my daughter and son-in-law collect NOMES. They are everywhere in their home, Could it be a sign hmmm....LOL)
My parents taught me that friends come into your life when you need them. I'll accept this as the answer to a prayer.
I stay at home all day (Im on Disability) so I get the oppertunity to be on line all the time. As you can see I love to vent (My husband has a quite different word he like to use:))
Jennie and Rachel Have a great day!
God Bless
If you need anything Let me know. Venting screaming and crying are all allowed.
I need to make one confession first. Yesterday at the height of an urge I stepped on one of my sons LEGOS. I LOST it.
I picked it up and threw it across the room. .. Yeah they explode into a million little peices. Picking up those little peices helped me get a grip, learn humility (I had to apoligize to my 8 yr old) And once again realize that this is truly an addiction. I am very Blessed to have found a few people willing to stand by me through what might just be a life long process. I firmly believe that smoking is in one way like the Marine Corp. Once a smoker always a smoker. BUT we will be a FORMER smoker. I use this analogy because I have 2 sons that are Marines One Former one Active. In their minds they are BOTH Marines as I am in my mind a Smoker .I look forward to the time when my mind automaticly uses the word Former in front of Smoker. I have quit but my brain sometime forgets that I guess.
And once again I have gone off topic.....I really dont want you guys to see my name and go ok her again Blah blah blah.
All I really wanted to say is
THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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We're all in this together!
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I agree with you on that point, Jennie. When I quit smoking, I believe I could not have gotten through it without the help of God and my son who spent the first few days of my quit with me. There is NO way I could have quit alone. I have other addictions that I could not have quit on my own either. When I quit smoking, I got alot of reinforcement from my son, my family and EVEN my ex-husbands new wife! She actually got in my face and told me how proud she was of me and that her father has emphasema and still smokes. That totally blew me away. Support from others is so very important and it is definitely here!
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We are stronger together than divided no doubt!
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That's an excellent point Jennie! You are so right! 😉
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Frankie go on and on all you wish. In case you haven't noticed i can't seem to keep my thoughts concise either. Sometimes while rambling on the answers come to me. I Guess I just like to hear myself type. Please everyone come here as often as you want and anything goes as long as it matches the spirit of this group. If you need help ask if you want to help others bravo. As Jennie said it is about the we. We can conquer anything together. No judgement just a wish to have NOT ONE MORE EVER! KEEP THE QUIT!!!
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I wish we could come to agree to disagree or some such friendly thing
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