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Give and get support around quitting


Staying focused when nothing else changes

I have made the decision to quit! I knew when I started smoking it was dumb and I dont' really know how it happened. All through college I dated a smoker and had many smoking roommates and friends and I NEVER smoked. For no reason I started socially smoking after college and when I met the love of my life and he was a smoker it just became habit to smoke as a social outlet or an excuse to get a few mintues together. Now I use that same reasoning to smoke at work... little breaks to smoke helped me break up the day. I have now quit and I now live with the boyfriend that I started smoking with and he is very respectful and smokes outside and hides his smokes from me. My coworkers are good too...they haven't been asking me to go take breaks but in a way I feel left out or something. How do we stay strong and change when it seems like everythign else is the same and now we're missing out? I know this is the right choice for me and I hope to possibly inspire my boyfriend someday as I stay strong but right now its tough. Any advice for coping? Also, is anyone using a quit aid that is helpful? I am going it cold turkey but thought about getting chantix.

Thanks for the support and everyone keep up the good work!
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2 Replies

First of all you made THE big decison, congradulations! I aggree with most of what Carole says , so I will not repeat the same!
I will tell you this my 3rd in 3 years quitting, but i really mean business this time! Obviously i meant business before, but I was still listening that mean little voice that kept telling me I could always have a cigarette if I wnated to...just one once in a while....long story short i would eventullay get bvack to a pack a day.
First time i use tobaco patches, for 1 week, didn't like them or fact of sticking nicotine in my blood (again) so went on cold turkey anyway I quit for 3 months....
Second time used my willpower alone, with the help of nicorette gums, it was hard, but i started to know my triggers better...anyway... lasted about 3 months...
This time the Doctor gave me no choice "keep smoking and you will be in a wheel chair in 2 years" WHAT??? I heard about lung cancer, emphysima, heart attackect...(like it wasn't bad enoug for me...) but take away my legs! my walking, my skiing my golf???No way Hosé!
The doctor prescribe me Chantix, and for ME it really works, almost no craving, almost! but I shut them down real fast.
Took them 2 weeks ( I should of quit as soon as he told me, I am ashame of that....lets turn the page!)befor I quit only 3 days ago....had a lot of dreams at the begining, now better, i make sure to eat BEFORE i take the pill otherwise, nausea.And the help of this forum is incredible!
You see, for me I will have to be carefull on the 3rd month, but i will be ready....
For you it could be totally different....just don't wait for your doctor to give you ultimatums...
You might not be ready for your co-working breaks outside, but that will come to, when YOU decide that you are proud of your choice, and why you are staying quit! And its a decision you keep making(for YOURSELF) at first, alot of times during the day...and eventually very little times time goes by......
Good luck to us all!
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Thanks so much for your feedback! I am feeling pretty good doing this just cold turkey. I have found help by watching the videos from this site: The author has video encouragement and feedback for you during the first week of quitting and on topics we all question, what are the harms (real physical harms), and how to bounce back.

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