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Give and get support around quitting


Started Young

I started when I was about 14 (occassionally at first of course) but regular by the time Iwas16.   I smoked 47 + yrs. I quit for a whole year in 2010. I had some major stressors in 2011 and relapsed. So now I am smokefree 4 weeks, 1 day, 0 hours and 38 mins.

Iam having a hard time today.  I'm told this is a dangerous time in a quit.

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34 Replies

I started when I was about 14 (occassionally at first of course) but regular by the time Iwas16.   I smoked 47 + yrs. I quit for a whole year in 2010. I had some major stressors in 2011 and relapsed. So now I am smokefree 4 weeks, 1 day, 0 hours and 38 mins.

Iam having a hard time today.  I'm told this is a dangerous time in a quit.

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Awww, you can do this Rebecca! I have bad days also, but just think of how awesome you will feel waking up tomorrow knowing you made it another day! I wake up every morning and remind myself that I did not smoke yesterday. Its not much of an accomplishment to many people, but it is an amazing accomplishment to me!! Good luck and I am here for you!! You CAN do this!!! {{hugs}}

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I was16 when I started, I quit when I was 54 for about 6 months.  Now I am smoke free for 23 days.  More determined this time, really don't want to start over.  

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Hey all,

 I started smoking when I was 13 and continued until I was 50 with one year where I managed to quit. Now it's been two and a half years since my forever quit began. I think the idea for this group is a good one. There are so many tentacles of addiction to rip out of ourselves and the longer one smokes, the more time the addiction has had to take over every aspect of our lives.

 This group can learn from one another. About how to believe in a life without cigarettes. About how to ENJOY our new smoke free life instead of wondering where our old life went. About how to stay quit forever and feel the freedom that beating an addiction can create.

I look forward to sharing our trials and learning together how to understand our new smoke free life. It may be a little different from what we're used to but I gotta say that this new life is so incredible!!


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I think anyone with an addiction to nicotine will have a hard time breaking this, however people that have not known what life could be like smoke free will have an even harder time.  I know my first couple weeks of not smoking I felt so empty and lost. It was a very uncomfortable feeling, like when you think you forgot to do something. I am so glad your here Chuck, we need someone like you to inspire us to keep moving forward and to hang in there!! We can do this! We can learn how to live a smoke free life!

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I started smoking when I was young, I have quit often through the years, but allways went back. I have to do this for me. My family as well. I am quiting tomorrow. all the help I can get would be great!


Jo Anne

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My quit day is August 14th. I started smoking when I was 13 and have been smoking for 43 years. I have quit off and on a few times. I was searching for smoke aids to help with quitting and found this site. I am so glad I did.

I have my husbands support and this site. My sister smokes and lives with us but we do not smoke in the house. I am doing all the steps to get ready for my quit date. I have chosen the patch to use. I saw the video on here. Do I use gum or lozenges along with the patches?

I am quitting for me and my health and my family. I want to enjoy my life.

I am looking forward to meeting everybody.

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I started at 15. I don't remember what it felt like beforehand. I quit with each pregnancy, but it felt different somehow once the child was outside my body and would start again. I am 42 now. Without being pregnant when I quit I lasted 24 hours. That's it. Then panic attacks.
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I have smoked for over 40 years. 2-3 packs a day. I stopped smoking on August 1st. So far so good. I am using the patch plus e cigarette.  I have been so short of breath since quitting which makes no sense to me.  Has anyone else had this problem? Anyway all you non smokes keep with it.  Let's just time 1 day at at time.

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