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Started Chantix

Started with Chantix this morning !! Why is it when you start a prescription thats when you do all the research about it. It makes me nervous to take this with all the research that I have done.
I don't have a history of depression, but I do get moody i.e. Crabby, not happy, or overly anxious. Should I be worried about this? I did let my doc know that I am overly stress and anxious quite a bit, and she thought that Zban would make those things worse.
I took my first dose this morning after breakfast. So far the only thing I have noticed is that I am much calmer than normal, I think I had a hot flash, and a minor headache.

I am going to blog about this everyday, so if anyone notices anything odd please alert me.

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8 Replies

I've been taking Chantix since June 16th.
The worst symptom for me was being sick to my stomach.
I actually got sick 3 days in a row.
If you eat and drink 8 oz of water with each pill it's much better.
I learned the hard way.
My orginal quit date was July 1st.
I went on vacation and slipped up but started my quit again, right away.
It was easier the 2nd time.
I've been smoke free for 16 days now and LOVIN IT!
I also read the book by Allen Carr - The easy way to stop smoking - Good read and it made things seem....well....easy!
Take care and keep coming here, I swear this place does wonders for a quitter like me!
Oh ya and the dreams on Chantix but mine aren't all bad, wink - wink!
Prosper in peace

I'm new here, so I don't know if it will let us know when people post comments to our comments. I have a quit date of the 13th - I'm nervous about Chantix, too, for the same reason. I live alone, so I am hoping to find a doctor who will prescribe wellbutrin or something like that instead. Do you live alone? I think if you live with others, they should be able to let you know if you're acting in a way to be concerned.
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This is the third time I am taking Chantix, first time it seems to be working or maybe I am just ready to quit. I have a history of Depression which is why the Dr put me on Zban first, but I was allergic to it. I am not having any problems on the Chantix.
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hi there
yep trying to be chipper! Well today I took my first Chantix. I too am nervous, but I really want to quit. I havew a new granddaughter and my daughter an son-in-law do not want me around her if I smoke. So this is my positive reason to quit.

my doctor says he is willing to try if I am, you see I had a seizure a year ago amdd yes that is one of the symptoms, a small one but, I do not wnat to go through that agaon.

we do not smoke in the hose but hjy husband smokws in the car and whew I can smell it.
Ihope this does not take 12 weeks I hope I can cut it wat back!

Good luck to all of us and may we become ex's
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Dear T Monster,
A lot of people take Chantix and have very good and positive results - please keep blogging every day and be really honest about how you are feeling - I'll link in every day.......have you got a good support network at home to help you and monitor your progress?

Think positive, this will be good and in no time you will be smoke free and off the Chantix. Keep smiling and thinking only of the positive outcome. You are a good strong person - lots of love!
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Thank you! I feel like yuk! Tjis has to work!
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Hi, all its been a while. I had the worst week. First off I went back to the doc about my concerns about the depression etc. I have become aware that all my stess etc has a lot to do with PPD. So she quickly told me not to continue with the Chantix because of the known side effects. She put me on Welbutrin, I have started to take this and so far so good. I still plan on quitting tomorrow as that is my new date. I am however going to go and get some patches to help kick the craving completely.
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Good Luck T - we are on your side!!!!!!! Have a peaceful night and a happy day - keep in touch.
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