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Stand Up 2 Cancer

Last night I watched that program on tv and I was so moved by it that I called and pledge a little money. The reason that I had the money to pledge was because of this site giving me the fortitude and courage to give up that nasty habit of smoking. I wanted to write this discussion and thank everyone here, and tell you that you also gave to the program in me. Thanks Again
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11 Replies

Thanks Polly,
I hope that your Mother continues to have that positive attitude for years to come. You have an awesome day yourself.
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Thanks Edith
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That's awesome Maureen!! So many of us have been fortunate not to have smoking related diseases, yet there are many here who have been affected. Bless your heart for making a donation -- what a great way to spend money that you have saved from not smoking!! I didn't see the show, but if anyone wants to donate to the American Cancer Society, here is a link: My Mom is a two time cancer survivor and is now 80 years old!! I believe that she got through it with her faith, family, friends and positive attitude!! So much research has yet to be done! I will donate today and thanks for reminding me to do just that!! Have an awesome day!!
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That's awesome Maureen!! So many of us have been fortunate not to have smoking related diseases, yet there are many here who have been affected. Bless your heart for making a donation -- what a great way to spend money that you have saved from not smoking!! I didn't see the show, but if anyone wants to donate to the American Cancer Society, here is a link: My Mom is a two time cancer survivor and is now 80 years old!! I believe that she got through it with her faith, family, friends and positive attitude!! So much research has yet to be done! I will donate today and thanks for reminding me to do just that!! Have an awesome day!!
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I heard about that Stand Up 2 Cancer in bits and pieces. I unfortunately did not get to see it last night as a I had to work. Is it not being shown in parts?
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I think that it was just on for that one hour over the three major networks(NBC,ABC,CBS). It was very good and their were a lot of stars together telling their stories and singing. They had a special tribute to Peter Jennings.
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My husband and I don't watch television, so I would never have seen whatever it was that spurred you on to donate. I'm just so grateful that your being on here has made a difference in your life. That's what this is all about and that's what we "old timers" and new timers are here for. So I'm grateful for the money you sent in.

Keep your quit safe. Three months plus is just the beginning. Don't ever let your guard down. For the Demon is always waiting for you.
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My husband and I don't watch television, so I would never have seen whatever it was that spurred you on to donate. I'm just so grateful that your being on here has made a difference in your life. That's what this is all about and that's what we "old timers" and new timers are here for. So I'm grateful for the money you sent in.

Keep your quit safe. Three months plus is just the beginning. Don't ever let your guard down. For the Demon is always waiting for you.
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Thanks to both of you Maureen and Karen! My Ma is an incredible lady who constantly gives me powers of example of her beautiful willingness to remain positive, volunteer time (one of the reasons I spend so much time here -- from her example) as well as loved by so many!! I couldn't have a better Mom in the whole wide world and I am so blessed for that! By the way Maureen, I did make a donation to ACS and put it into my mom's honor!! Thanks for putting this subject out there!!
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