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Give and get support around quitting

So pretty much I have no idea how much this is going to work

I like fast results and I want everything like right away
thats how I am.
But I don't know if I can work like this. Just based on the fact that I'll just lose my interest.
I'm doing this for my fiance but sincerely, I'm like deathly afraid to disappoint.
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6 Replies

Shannon, I can relate. I'm on day 9 and was at my quit day a few days ago and doubting myself in every way. I think if I were really patient, I wouldn't have needed the quick fix of cigarettes. Or, at least my brain wouldn't. For me at least, I find I'm becoming more patient and less irritable as I get more days smoke free. I know my addiction to nicotine at least contributed to it, because when I didn't have them and I started craving, I was so cranky and irritable. But, it's getting easier. I know my addiction to cigarettes and the routine I developed didn't happen overnight, so neither will my recovery process. But, I'm getting a little better every day and it feels awesome.

Trying to drive, make it through break at work, sitting in traffic, these were all things I told myself I couldn't tolerate at all without smoking. I was convinced, but then I realized I was believing my own BS, the little tricks my brain was playing on me. I was coming up with an excuse to smoke, any excuse-- it didn't matter. Finally, I had to get honest and admit that lots of people do the very same things every day I "couldn't" do without a cigarette, and they make it, and so could I. I could if I would. Everyone here can relate in some form or fashion to what you're going through, so post, keep coming back, and let us know how we can help.

As far as interest goes though, I think you get what you give to it. I'm trying my darnest to make it work now. Not so much the last time I tried to quit, so this time I've tried giving it serious time and thought each day. Which, brings me to the fiance thing. My fiance is a smoker and he wants to quit but isn't there yet. If he doesn't, sure I'll wish more for him, that he could, but ultimately I am quitting for me and if he quits it will be for him. He's going to love me whether I quit or not, he loved me when I was smoking. But, I've never seen him look more worried than the night I couldn't hardly breath and he thought he was going to have to take me to the hospital for my asthma. So, I wised up and realized I was hurting and so was he. He'll love me either way, but I'll love me more if I treat myself well. You can do this, if you put your mind to it and stay focused. Let me know if you need encouragement or a friend to voice your concerns to. Good luck Shannon!
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Hi shannon I think you should be quitting for you you gotta want it too.Your fiance must love you very much and must want you to be healthy and around for many years to come.You can do this good luck and welcome
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First of all, try to have a positive attitude going into your quit!! If you think you will fail... chances are you will. If you go into it with an "I can do this" attitude you have already doubled your chances of success!

You definately will not get fast results... This is an ongoing balttle you have to fight, but it is a battle worth winning! I can't tell you how good it feels to walk into the office and not stink like smoke. There are only a couple of smokers left in my building.... and wow... you can tell who they are just by walking past thier offices.

I wake up every morning with energy.... which is truly amazing because I have never been a morning person! I can walk a really long way without getting winded. I just walked 3 miles yesterday and never got winded! Holy crap! I feel great...I smell great.... and I have 2 more hours a day that I never had before!

I have greatly reduced my risk of cancer and emphesyma.

My fiance loves that I don't smoke anymore! We are getting married next summer. My honeymoon in the carribean is going to be great because I can enjoy every minute, instead of taking breaks to smoke!

We are all here to give you support, and every one of us knows what you are going through.

Anytime you need support, just come here and let it all out! :0 )
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thank you so much for the support
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Shannon, even though you say you are quitting for your fiance, it sounds like you really do want to quit for yourself, deep, down inside. Try to look at it this way. The big picture is that if you compare the amount of time that you put into not smoking to the amount of time you have smoked, you'll see that the results of stopping come all that much quicker than all of those years of smoking. We as smokers end up just like human landfills full of toxic waste. Each time you smoke your adding 4,000 more deadly chemicals into your body. When we stop smoking our both our bodies and minds get hit with cravings. That's a good sign, because it means you're dumping some of that toxic waste. Read as much as you can here and on You don't want to end up to be like me...I started smoking when I was eleven and here I am, FINALLY at 50, quitting for health reasons. The years creep up on you and as they do, we have a tendency to smoke more. You are young, vibrant -- now is an awesome time to stop!! We are all here for you to help you pave the way. Is it easy? No, it's not, but is it worth it? Hell yeah!! Who wants a friend that makes you smell bad, look bad, who embarrasses you, who robs your wallet and who tries to kill you? Cigarettes do...They are your enemy and won't stop until you stand up to them and say NO. NO = Not one. There is no such thing as one cigarette for any of us -- that's why we are all here, supporting one another. Let us know what you plan to do. The program here is awesome and the people are the same!! I hope you will join us!
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Is the idea of quitting making your brain explode?
I know it's doing that to me.
Anyway good luck!
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