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Give and get support around quitting


Smoking won't ease the fear

I hope that folks are coping with the new paradigm we are faced with as we adjust to the Pandemic. I'm going to be staying home and laying low as directed. Daily routines are changed but I am finding that's not necessarily a bad thing. I know I can choose to focus on fear, become anxious and depressed. These are triggers for me and I have caught myself thinking about a smoke to relax. Crazy isn't it? 480 days in and that's where my head goes. I'm thankful for my Lord Jesus and ask him for strength and peace for all of us. We're in God's great and powerful hands. Have no fear. I will use these quiet days for reflection, prayer and will help folks any way I can.

11 Replies

Congrats to you!  I'm with you I think about having one to ease the stress.  First thing I think of but we won't!  It would only make us in a worst position.  Thanks for posting!


Thanks for this post, it would be so "easy" to just lose my mind right now but apparently, I am stronger than I think I am, smoking has never entered my mind.
