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Give and get support around quitting


Smoking feels good

Just typed a long descriptive post. no do overs and it was all gone **bleep**!!!. **bleep**./I will smoke again if the progressive 

dems get any traction. Leaving USA with millions they will never see again.  This site sensors comments like the government so I may leave. FB and other down, thank God !!!!!!

David Fawcett
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Community Manager
Community Manager


@davidfawcett wrote:

Just typed a long descriptive post. no do overs and it was all gone

Sorry you lost your post. I looked to see if you had any recent draft posts but I don't see any on your account. Please note the site does save every 30 seconds when you're creating a Discussion topic and Journal article post or comments. So even if you lose internet you shouldn't lose your work. The next time you come back to the same place on the site and try to post something it will ask you to load or discard. If you choose load it will show your previously saved post/comment. If you discard it will remove the draft file. 

@davidfawcett wrote:

I will smoke again if the progressive 

dems get any traction. Leaving USA with millions they will never see again.  This site sensors comments like the government so I may leave. FB and other down, thank God !!!!!!

This is a politics-free site in accordance with the site guidelines. There are plenty of other sites that cater to discussions about politics. We leave our political sides at the door and focus on the purpose of this site, quitting.

Yes, we do have a word filter that will filter out certain profane words, especially those words that could be directed towards another person.  Let's keep this a friendly atmosphere for all. No doubt, quitting is hard and can be very raw at times but we need to keep comments towards other respectful.

EX Community Admin Team
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