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Smoking before bedtime

The only time I smoke is before I go to bed. I really makes me sleepy. I go all day long without smoking but smoke 4-5 before bed. I also work crazy hours and have to take call at the hospital so I might have to get up at 2 am and go to hospital for 20-30 minutes and come back and get in bed to go back to hospital for shift at 7 am and smoke to make me go to sleep when I get back from hospital or otherwise I am wide awake and miserable for 7 am shift. Anyone out there have any suggestions?
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2 Replies

Well, Kayle, I haven't even stopped yet, but I'm getting into the mindset of what I'll do. I'm thinking that I'll be replacing my before bad-time habit with something else, like drinking a glass of water, or writing in a journal, maybe having some sleepy-time tea, or, a bath or shower can be relaxing. Sounds like your schedule keeps you going so much that it's hard to wind down. I feel like that, too. I work 8-5, then have my 2 1/2 year old twins and my 8 year old son to take care of. So, when they're finally down, I can have quite a time winding down, too. After all, where's my time (emphasis on "my" time). Anyway, maybe you can think about replacing your smoking with something else. And, if you're smoking 4 or 5 each night, then smoke 3 the next night, then 2, etc. Well, those are my thoughts, friend. Keep on keeping on!
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Thanks for the support friend. Do you know of any good teas? Sounds like you also have a full plate. You are quite a go getter. I do not know if I could work and keep up that up! I am on my 5th day of no smoking. Having to retrain myself but I will survive, just like you! Keep up the good work. Have you already set a quit date?
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